Right to Education Act 2009 in U. P. Ground Realities, Preparedness & Propositions State Collective for Right to Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Right to Education Act 2009 in U. P. Ground Realities, Preparedness & Propositions State Collective for Right to Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Right to Education Act 2009 in U. P. Ground Realities, Preparedness & Propositions State Collective for Right to Education

2  190 Million Population (almost equals the population of world’s 5 th most populous country- Brazil)  14.90% Population 0-6 years  30.28% Illiterate (almost 40% women are illiterate) Census 2011

3  In April 2010 State government expressed inability to bear the financial burden and demanded 100% Central assistance (Rs. 18000 Crores) towards implementation of RTE  June 2010 appointment of para teachers stopped in the wake of RTE  June 2011 -Constitution of SMCs  July 2011- Govt. notified Rules The year long delay has been mainly due to state-centre deadlock on cost sharing Project Approval Board declined to approve fund for new primary & upper primary schools & uniform for 1.7 crore children

4  For FY 2011-12 State Govt allocates Rs. 19086 Crore for Basic Education  Central Government sanctioned 10,366 new primary schools and over 1000 new upper primary schools for Uttar Pradesh in September 2011 after the state notified RTE Rules.  The new primary schools will be provided two teachers each, and in the upper primary schools, three subject teachers for Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science.  The central government has also sanctioned 121 composite schools for urban deprived children  In addition, sanctions have been accorded for providing two sets of school uniforms to 1.75 crore children belonging to disadvantaged groups and weaker sections studying in primary and upper primary classes.

5  Area of neighbourhood inserts a population norm along with distance. ( For Class I-V, 1 Km or Population atleast 300 for Primary & for Class 6 th -8 th 3 Km. or at least 800 Population )  Makes it essential for Local Authority to get approval of zila Shiksha Adhikari to make transport available  The local authority shall be responsible to ensure that no discrimination happens.  UID for child allotted by Zila Shiksha Adhikari

6  Individual record info to be updated on district website. Positive development.  Local Authority maintaining list of names of all children under 25% quota admitted in their area.  Making admissions under 25% transparent, available in public domain, schools need to inform government if admission denied. Follow process of admission as laid down by government.  Zila Shiksha Adhikari and not SCPCR/REPA will be the authority for appeal for de-recognition. Involvement of District Magistrate in the process  The actual membership has been spelled out for SMCs instead of % ages. Lekhpal, ANM to be part of the committee for some reason!!

7  Guardian members to choose members from weaker sections  Selection of guardian members through general consensus in open meeting  DM to review sanctioned strength of teachers every year before July and redeployment of teachers  Ignores Model Rule clause-Equal pay for bridge course teachers, accountability to SMC as part of the service rules.  SMs and Local Authority bodies for grievance redressal for teachers  Complaints to be made to the VEC/Ward Committee, complaints to go to BSA. Second appeal to Zila Panahcyat. Basic Shiksha Parishad to monitor complaints  SCPCR/REPA to set up help line & complaint forwarding entity ??

8  Gross Enrollment Ratio (Primary)- 91-16  Drop out rate- 10.61  Transition rate (V-VI)- 62.27  Retention rate (I-V)- 73.21  Out of school Children- 194146  OoS Children covered in 2010-106529  OoS Children to be covered in 2011-87617 PAB- 2011-12

9  Primary schools having Student Class Room Ratio over 30- 60%  28% schools lacked separate toilet for girls  41% schools don’t have ramp  38% schools lack play ground  51% schools without kitchen shed  Pupil Teacher Ratio- 45 (standard 30)  22880 Primary Teachers are in position against 125377 sanctioned posts  143183 SMCs constituted

10  Multi stakeholder rapid survey covering 36 schools across four districts (Lucknow, Allahabad, Raebareli,Barabanki)  Rapid sample survey in Lakhimpur Kheri, Lalitpur & Kushi Nagar  Public Hearings held across Lakhimpur Kheri,Mirzapur, Allahabad, Ghazipur,Lalitpur, Kushi nagar, Sonbhadra, Ballia & Mau districts

11  82% parents from Barabanki, 17% in Lucknow & 21% parents in Raebareli reported to have paid some fee towards admission in Lucknow  45.5% schools in Lucknow, 20% In Allahabad, 27% in Raebareli,40% in Barabanki had boundary wall with gate  60% schools in Mirzapur lacked toilet facility  18% primary schools in Lucknow & 40% in Raebareli had functional toilets while the percentage for the same for Barabanki & Allahabad was 80%  Percentage of schools having separate space for Library ranged between 9%-20%  Over 50% schools surveyed lacked ramp

12  Poor Infrastructure- Lack of functional toilets, secured boundary walls, kitchen shed, library, ramp etc.  Low PTR- Huge gap in sanctioned position dependency on non qualified, poorly trained Para teachers..  Teaching Learning Environment- drop out, absenteeism, discrimination & exclusion  People’s Participation- Process of SMC formation & capacity building  Grievance Redressal Mechanism- SCPCR/REPA not in place, local authority (VEC)

13  State-Centre relations  Minority concerns  Private Schools  Population Enumeration

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