1. 2 Agenda FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA Changes and Highlights Leverage Scoring and Ranking Grievance Procedure Review Attachments and Forms Application.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Agenda FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA Changes and Highlights Leverage Scoring and Ranking Grievance Procedure Review Attachments and Forms Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Agenda FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA Changes and Highlights Leverage Scoring and Ranking Grievance Procedure Review Attachments and Forms Application Submission

3 3 Changes and Highlights for FY2013- FY 2014 CoC Program Competition

4 4 For FY2013 CoC Competition, NO application fees will be collected!!! There will be NO paper application submission!!!! HEADLINE NEWS

5 5 The FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program Competition is operating under CoC Program interim rule. The NOFA applies to both FY2013 and FY 2014 Four categories for funding ◦Renewals, new projects through reallocation, CoC planning, and UFA Continuum of Care Program

6 6 5 Program Components 1.Permanent Housing  Permanent Supportive Housing  Rapid Re-Housing 2.Transitional Housing 3.Social Services Only 4.HMIS and 5.Homeless Prevention (in limited cases) CoC Program Components

7 7 Data Import: Project Applicants will not be able to import data from last year’s Project Application. eSNAPS will be used for CoC program application submission. Time stamp must be at or before 3:00:00 pm (CST) on January 3 rd, 2014 to be considered for competition. Certifying documents are to be submitted via email and scan to thuynh@homelesshouston.org by 3:00:00 pm (CST) on January 3 rd, 2014 to be considered for competition. thuynh@homelesshouston.org New in eSnaps in FY2013

8 8 Ending Chronic Homelessness ◦Increasing beds ◦Targeting PSH turnover ◦Housing First  “…a model of housing assistance that is offered without preconditions (such as sobriety or a minimum income threshold) or service participation requirements…” (FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA) Ending Family Homelessness ◦Rapid Re-Housing for households with children who are exiting streets or emergency shelters HUD Priorities

9 9 Strategic Resource Allocation “Each CoC must comprehensively review all existing projects within its geographic area, using CoC-approved scoring criteria and selection priorities, to determine the extent to which each project is still necessary and addresses the listed policy priorities…Funds for projects that are determined to be underperforming, obsolete, or ineffective should be reallocated to new projects that are based on proven or promising models.” (FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA) HUD Priorities

10 10 Removing Barriers ◦Coordinated Access System Required ◦Transitional Housing Review ◦“HUD is strongly encouraging CoC’s and recipients to carefully review the transitional housing models within the geographic area for cost-effectiveness, performance, and for the number and type of criteria used to determine eligibility for the program and determine if rapid re-housing may be a better model for the CoC’s geographic area.” (FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA) ◦Prioritizing Households Most in Need HUD Priorities

11 11 Maximizing the use of Mainstream Resources ◦“HUD strongly encourages CoC’s and project applicants to ensure that they are maximizing the use of all mainstream services available. While the CoC Program interim rule allows for the payment of certain supportive services costs and SSO projects, it is more efficient for CoC’s to use mainstream resources where possible and use HUD funds for housing-related costs.” (FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA) HUD Priorities

12 12 Building Partnerships ◦PHA partnerships ◦Philanthropy HUD Priorities

13 13 Other Priority Populations ◦Re-allocated funding only available for chronic populations (PSH) and/or homeless households with children residing on streets or in emergency shelters (RRH) ◦Veterans  “CoC Program funded projects should… prioritize veterans who are ineligible for VA services and their families…” (FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA) ◦Homeless Youth  “CoC’s should be able to identify and describe the needs of homeless youth within the geographic area…” (FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program NOFA) HUD Priorities

14 14 80% of PH residents remain in PH 80% of those exiting from TH exit to PH 20% of all participants have employment income 54% of all participants have non- employment income 56% of all participants obtain mainstream benefits HUD Performance Thresholds

15 15 Percentage turnover in PSH units that will be dedicated to Chronics upon vacancy Percentage of households with children served with RRH that came from unsheltered location HUD Performance Thresholds

16 16 CoC Application Scoring SectionScore Subtotal CoC Strategic Planning and Performance69 Coordination of Housing and Services28 Recipient Performance15 CoC Structure and Governance13 Leveraging Mainstream Programs5 HMIS11 Point-in-Time Count9 Bonus Points6 Total150

17 17 Ending Chronic Homelessness ◦Prioritize turnover of dedicated units to CH Housing Stability 80% remained in PH or exited from TH into PH At least 75% of PSH applicants indicate that they will use Housing First Jobs and Income Growth 20% or more of participants had employment income 54% or more of participants have non-employment income 56% or more of participants obtain mainstream benefits CoC Scoring

18 18 CoC meetings ◦CoC members attend regularly held meetings (see master calendar) ◦ Provider Input Forums ◦ HMIS Forums ◦ Consumer Input Forums ◦ CoC Steering Committee Public Meetings Leveraging (see next section) CoC Scoring

19 19 Leverage Requirements

20 20 200% leverage goal for each project Must have 100% participation from every project Must have leverage commitments signed and on file on letterhead of leveraged agency Leverage

21 21 CDBG Food Services - Food Bank Mental Health Services - MHMRA Medical Services-Harris Health DSHS Match Community Voicemail Volunteers Hours Employment Services Behavioral Health Services Substance Abuse Services Sources of Leverage

22 22 Scoring and Ranking

23 23 Scoring of renewal projects was completed in September 2013 Scoring tool was developed by a community workgroup with HUD TA, disseminated for public comments, and approved by the CoC Steering Committee Scoring

24 24 All projects approved by the CoC must be ranked as Tier 1 or Tier 2 Indicate to HUD which projects are prioritized for funding in the event that the national total annual renewal demand exceeds the $1.7 billion available through this NOFA Ranking

25 25 Funding will only be available for projects ranked in Tier 1 CoCs that receive a higher score have a better chance of being awarded projects ranked in Tier 2, depending on the availability of carryover or recaptured funds Ranking

26 26 Financial Threshold Tier 1 - Equal to the CoC’s Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) approved in the Registration process, less 5 percent. Tier 2 - the amount remaining in ARD plus the approved amounts for CoC Planning and UFA Costs Ranking

27 27 All projects will be included on the CoC’s Priority Listings in e-snaps HUD will select all projects in Tier 1 before selecting any projects in Tier 2 until no additional funds are available. This means that lower ranked projects may be selected for funding above higher ranked projects. Ranking

28 28 HUD intends to announce conditional funding for Tier 1 renewal projects within 45 days of the application deadline of the CoC Program Competition. HUD will announce any additional Conditional Awards (new projects and Tier 2 renewals) after scoring is complete, depending on availability of funding. Ranking

29 29 Grievance Procedure

30 30 Grievances may be filed for the following concerns: ◦Improper application of rules, regulations and procedures concerning participation in the Consolidated Grant application process; ◦Improper interpretation of rules, regulations and procedures concerning participation in the Consolidated Grant application process; ◦Disparity in the application of rules, regulations and procedures regarding participation in the Consolidated Grant application process; ◦Violation of rules, regulations or procedures concerning participation in the Consolidated Grant application process; ◦The score assigned by the Renewal Scoring Tool or Ranking and Prioritization Policy. Grievance Procedure

31 31 Deadline to submit grievances is January 13, 2014 Grievance procedure, as approved by the CoC Steering Committee, is located at: http://www.homelesshouston.org/cont http://www.homelesshouston.org/cont inuum-of-care/funding/coc-nofa/ Please contact Eva Thibaudeau for any grievance questions. Grievance Procedure

32 32 Application Packet Review

33 33 Application Submission

34 34 Applicants who submit prior to 5:00:00 pm (CST) on December 20, 2013 will be eligible for entry into a drawing for a free lunch for all applicants who work for the project at a time and date to be determined by the CFTH and winning project staff. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL!

35 35 All applications must be completed and submitted in e-snaps Must include the required certifications for compliance with fair housing and civil rights requirements, program regulations, and other federal requirements (see sample forms in conference packet. Copies will be posted on the CoC Funding page of the CFTH website). Submit scanned signed copies of Agency/Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County MOU, Form 4C, Certification of Project Eligibility Threshold and Certification of Project Quality Threshold. Application and Submission Information

36 36 Technical Assistance is mandatory for new projects. Sign up at close of conference. ◦December 17, 2014 ◦Coalition for the Homeless, 600 Jefferson, Ste 2050, Conf Room Technical Assistance as requested for renewal applicants. Sign up at close of conference. December 17-20, 2014 Coalition for the Homeless, 600 Jefferson, Ste 2050 Conf Room Submit application via esnaps no later than 3:00:00 pm CT ◦(esnaps will create a time stamp that will be checked for submission eligibility.) ◦Late applications will not be considered ◦Submit scanned and signed MOU, Form 4C and Certifications to thuynh@homelesshouston.org thuynh@homelesshouston.org No application fees will be collected this year! Application Submission to CFTH

37 37 Remember:

38 38 http://www.homelesshouston.org/continu um-of-care/funding/coc-nofa/ Website Resources

39 For questions and additional information contact: ◦Eva Thibaudeau, Director of Programs  713-882-8274 or ethibaudeau@homelesshouston.org ◦Thuan Huynh, Project Manager  823-531-6024 or thuynh@homelesshouston.org Thank you!

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