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Self Awareness Personality and Preference-related Assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Awareness Personality and Preference-related Assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Awareness Personality and Preference-related Assessments

2 Personality is:  the set of distinctive traits and characteristics  that can be used to compare and contrast individuals. Why examine personality?  self awareness  managing others  person-job fit

3 Personality is composed of a set of well-defined traits or dimensions. Trait A Trait B Trait C Personality Determinants Personality is defined and determined by -Biological Factors -Social Factors -Cultural Factors -Situational Factors Personality Traits

4 The Big Five Agreeableness Conscientiousness Extraversion Openness to Experience Negative Emotionality

5 Agreeableness HighLow Gentle ForgivingUnderstanding Good-natured Irritable Short-tempered Uncooperative Antagonistic

6 Conscientiousness Low High Few Goals Organized Systematic Careful Careless DisorganizedIrresponsible Many Goals Responsible Self-disciplined

7 Extraversion Sociable Talkative Potentially Assertive Energized by social interaction Tentative Drained by social interaction Energized by being alone Reserved Introversion

8 Openness to Experience More Less Curious Imaginative Creative Potential Thrill-seeker Conservative Dogmatic Conventional Avoids Thrill-Seeking Behaviors

9 Emotional Stability Less More PoisedResilient Secure ReactiveDepressed Insecure Anxious Calm

10 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Tests Based upon the work of Jung Many forms of the test available –Kersey Temperament Sorter –Myers-Briggs –Please Understand Me – Counseling Center –Survey in Hunsaker –Free-on line at: win/JTypes2.asp Popular but of dubious validity

11 Preference or “Type” Dimensions Introvert-Extrovert Sensing-INtuitive Thinking-Feeling Judging-Perceiving

12 Introversion/Extraversion – Social Preferences Appears reserved Comfortable being alone Energized by reflection Can be viewed as quiet or shy Interests directed toward ideas Appears outgoing Preference for being with people Energized by human interaction Can be viewed as sociable or assertive Interests are social

13 Sensing/Intuition – How Information is Collected Uses organized structures to acquire information Preference for factual and quantitative details Likes data Collect information non-systematically Reliance on subjective evidence, intuition and inspiration Able to synthesize large amounts of incongruous information

14 Thinking/Feeling – How Information is Processed Rely on cause-effect logic Uses scientific method to make decisions Weigh the evidence objectively and unemotionally Examine how the decision will affect others Weigh options against personal values Values take priority over logic

15 Judging/perceiving – Relationship with the Outer World Prefer order and structure Enjoy control Rational decision making Preference for quick problem resolution Prefer flexibility Likes to keep options open Prefers to adapt spontaneously to events Comfortable with postponed decisions

16 Sixteen Temperaments Sensing Types Intuitive Types Introverts Extroverts ITSJISFJINFJINTJ “Trustee” “Conservator”“Author”“Scientist” 6% of pop. 6% of pop.1% of pop.1% of pop. ISTPISFPINFPINTP “Artisan”“Artist”“Questor”“Architect” 7% of pop.5% of pop.1% of pop.1% of pop ESTPESFPENFPENTP “Promoter”“Entertainer”“Journalist“Inventor” 13% of pop.13% o pop.5% of pop.5% of pop ESTJESFJENFJENTJ “Administrator” “Vendor” “Pedagogue” “Field Marshall” 13% of pop.13% of pop.5% of pop.5% of pop.

17 The Survey Identifies Temperament Insights into the Temperament SJ (Guardians): practical, organized, and thorough, systematic, value law and order SP (Artisans): keen observers with the ability to seize opportunity NF (Idealists): bring out the best in others, and are highly motivational NT (Rationals): excel in strategizing, planning and building systems

18 For More Information Look at your type on:

19 Potential Match with Holland’s Typology (Robbins p.35) Realist Investigative Social Conventional Enterprising Artistic Introvert, Judging Rationalist (NTP) Idealist (NF – E?) Hi Sensing & Judging Guardian (SJT) Artisans (SP)

20 Personality Traits at Work Locus of Control Self Monitoring Machiavellianism Self-esteem Tolerance of Ambiguity

21 PERSONALITY Awareness of similarities and differences facilitates interaction Helps predict needs Is a contingency factor in selection of leadership style Related to career choice and success

22 Self-Awareness Assessment Tools Leadership & management preference Emotional intelligence –S–Self awareness –S–Self-management –S–Self-motivation –E–Empathy –S–Social Skills Cognitive preferences (MBTI) Personality surveys

23 Team Exercise As individuals, fill out and score additional surveys Share results of surveys Record survey results Discuss implications for assigning tasks to team members Is there a correlation between individuals’ profiles and expressed career preference?

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