Alternate Ceramic Assignments Ceramics 2, Exam project, Free choice assignment.

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1 Alternate Ceramic Assignments Ceramics 2, Exam project, Free choice assignment

2 Assignment 1: Design and build a large platter using the slab or drape method. Platter must at least 15 inches in one direction. Platter cannot be a circle. Platter must have a foot.

3 You could pick a aesthetic theme for your platter.

4 Theme could abstract and more design oriented.

5 Platter itself could be simplistic with a more complex glazing technique.

6 You could focus your attention along the border.

7 Assignment 2: Design and build chip and dip platter. Use slab, drape or pinch method. For drape you could make a mold from cardboard and newspaper and drape slab over mold. That would work great for the Halloween shoe below.

8 Could be a one piece set like the previous slide and the ones below.

9 Or a two piece set like these.

10 Assignment 3: Garden figurine. Clay piece will be worked from a solid form and hollowed out. Walls can be no thicker than your thumb. Dimensions open.


12 Assignment 4: Create a URN for your you, a loved one or a pet. Urn must have lid with a handle and have a large interior. All handbuilding methods can be used.

13 Assignment 5 : Create an unusual funky vase that surprises the viewer. All handbuilding methods can be used.

14 Assignment 6 : Build drinking mug in the style of a German ( root ) beer drinking mug. Body of the mug would be a slab formed into a cylinder. Exterior of the mug must have figures carved or attached in relief. Lid is optional.


16 Assignment 7: Drinking mug with exterior object that relates to handle. Body of the mug may be slab cylinder or a coil vessel.

17 Assignment 8 : Make a drape plate with a famous painting carved in relief.

18 Assignment 9 : Create a lantern using drape mold. Make mold from cardboard and newspaper. Drape and attach two forms together. Image and design is open. Must have window openings to let out light.

19 Assignment 10: Miniature bust. Hollow out from the bottom. Design is open. Must be no larger than your fist.

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