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Unit 7.2. Respirator fit testing TB Infection Control Training for Managers at National and Subnational Level.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7.2. Respirator fit testing TB Infection Control Training for Managers at National and Subnational Level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7.2. Respirator fit testing TB Infection Control Training for Managers at National and Subnational Level

2 2 Objectives of the Unit After this unit, the participant will: Be able to correctly put on (don) a disposable N95, FFP2 or FFP3 respirator Be able to perform a qualitative fit test on a subject Undergo a qualitative fit test to select an appropriate respirator for him or herself (if desired)

3 3 Outline Practice donning a respirator How to perform a qualitative fit test on a subject Practice qualitative fit testing

4 4 Personal protective equipment Respirator vs Mask

5 5 7

6 6 Find centre of nose piece and bend gently

7 7 Open the respirator

8 8 Place straps on back of hand

9 9 Place respirator on face

10 10 Pull top strap over head

11 11 Place top strap on crown of head

12 12 Pull lower strap over head

13 13 Place bottom strap at base of head

14 14 Mould to the shape of your nose Right way Wrong way

15 15 User seal check Cover respirator with both hands 1. Exhale sharply Should feel positive pressure inside respirator If leakage, adjust, retest 2. Inhale deeply Negative pressure should make respirator cling to face If leakage, adjust, retest

16 16 Qualitative fit test procedure Subjects should not eat, drink (except water) or chew gum for 15 minutes before the fit test Steps: Sensitivity test Challenge exercises Document results Materials needed: test kit, range of respirator models and sizes, watch, pen, paper

17 17 Sensitivity test

18 18 Sensitivity Test Solution Inject 10 squeezes of Sensitivity Test Solution If detected, and proceed to Challenge Exercises If not tasted, inject an additional 10 squeezes. Repeat with 10 more if necessary. Record the number of squeezes needed (10, 20 or 30). Remove hood, and give the the subject a few minutes to clear the taste from his/her mouth

19 19 Challenge exercises Have subject: Don respirator Perform a user seal check Wear respirator at least 5 minutes before testing begins

20 20 Fit Test Solution Inject 10, 20, or 30 squeezes of Fit Test Solution (same number required in the Sensitivity Test) Continue injecting half the number (5, 10 or 15) every 30 seconds during the challenge exercises

21 21 Challenge exercises 1.Normal breathing 2.Deep breathing 3.Move head side-to-side 4.Move head up and down 5.Talk non-stop 6.Jogging in place 7.Normal breathing

22 22 1. Normal breathing

23 23 2. Deep breathing

24 24 3. Move head side-to-side

25 25 4. Move head up-and-down

26 26 5. Talk non-stop

27 27 6. Jogging or walking in place

28 28 7. Normal breathing

29 29 If the subject detects the taste…. Terminate the test, because this indicates an inadequate fit Wait 15 minutes and perform the test again A second failure may indicate that a different size or model respirator is needed

30 30 If you did not taste the test solution, smile… you passed! Document results

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