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What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren. Who Are “Unruly” Brethren? Christians who refuse to continue submitting to Christ, His law They live immorally 1 Cor.

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Presentation on theme: "What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren. Who Are “Unruly” Brethren? Christians who refuse to continue submitting to Christ, His law They live immorally 1 Cor."— Presentation transcript:

1 What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren

2 Who Are “Unruly” Brethren? Christians who refuse to continue submitting to Christ, His law They live immorally 1 Cor 5:1-11 They teach falsely 2 Pet 2:1-22 They are factious, divisive Titus 3:10-11 Rom 16:17 They walk disorderly 2 Thess 3:6

3 What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren What Is Their Condition? They are lost…headed for eternal separation from God Proof that a child of God can fall away cp. 2 Pet 2:20-22 Gal 5:4

4 What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren Our Duties After Their Fall “Gain” them Mt 18:15 “Restore” them Gal 6:1 “Turn” them Jas 5:20 “Save” their souls Jas 5:20 “Cover” their sins Jas 5:20

5 What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren Our Duties If They Refuse To Repent “Mark” or “Note” them Rom 16:17 cp. 2 Cor 4:18 “Withdraw ourselves” or “Avoid” them Rom 16:17 2 Thess 3:6 Restrictions are absolute 1 Cor 5:11 Jesus’ words are compelling Mt 18:17

6 What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren Our Duties If They Refuse To Repent “Reject” them and their divisiveness Titus 3:10 “Do not bid them godspeed” 2 Jn 10 All must participate 2 Thess 3:14, 6

7 What To Do With “Unruly” Brethren Why Must We Act In This Way? They are our brethren 2 Thess 3:15 To make them “ashamed” 2 Thess 3:14 To save their souls 1 Cor 5:5 To protect the body 1 Cor 5:6-7 To obey the Lord 2 Thess 3:6

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