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List decoding and pseudorandom constructions: lossless expanders and extractors from Parvaresh-Vardy codes Venkatesan Guruswami Carnegie Mellon University.

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Presentation on theme: "List decoding and pseudorandom constructions: lossless expanders and extractors from Parvaresh-Vardy codes Venkatesan Guruswami Carnegie Mellon University."— Presentation transcript:

1 List decoding and pseudorandom constructions: lossless expanders and extractors from Parvaresh-Vardy codes Venkatesan Guruswami Carnegie Mellon University --- CMI Pseudorandomness Workshop, Aug 23, 2011 ---

2 [GW94,WZ95, TUZ01,RVW00, CRVW02] Connections in Pseudorandomness Randomness Extractors Expander Graphs Error-Correcting Codes Pseudorandom Generators [STV99,SU01,Uma02] [Tre99,TZ01, TZS01,SU01] Algebraic list decoding [SS96,Spi96, GI02,GI03, GR06,GUV07] [Tre99,RRV99, ISW99,SU01,Uma02] Euclidean Sections, Compressed sensing [GLR08,GLW08] Expander codes

3 [GW94,WZ95, TUZ01,RVW00, CRVW02] Connections in Pseudorandomness Randomness Extractors Expander Graphs List-Decodable Error-Correcting Codes Pseudorandom Generators [STV99,SU01,U02] [Tre99,TZ01, TZS01,SU01] This talk [PV05,GR06] [GI02,GI03] [Tre99,RRV99, ISW99,SU01,U02] This talk

4 List Decodable codes Code C   D with N codewords, alphabet size |  | = Q (e,L)-list-decodable: Every Hamming ball of radius e has at most L codewords of C –Combinatorial packing condition –Balls of radius e around codewords cover each point  L times. –List error correction of e errors with worst-case list size L

5 List Decoding Centric View of Pseudorandom Objects

6 List decoding, in different notation Encoding function E : [N]  [Q] D View as map (bipartite graph)  : [N] x [D]  [D] x [Q] –  (x, y) = (y, E(x) y ) List decoding property: For all r  [Q] D, if T = { (y, r y ) : y  [D] } then |LIST(T)|  L where we define LIST(T) = { x :  (x, y)  T for at least D - e values of y } N D D x Q x

7 Bipartite expanders For all K’ ≤ K, and T  [M] with |T| < AK’, LIST(T) < K’ where LIST(T) = { x  [N] : for all y  [D],  (x, y)  T } |  (S)|  A ¢ |S| ( vertex expansion A = expansion factor ) M  S, |S|  K “ (K,A) expander” D N  : [N] x [D]  [M]

8 Extractors  : [N] x [D]  [M] is a (k,  )-extractor if for all T  [M], |LIST(T)| < 2 k where LIST(T) = { x  [N] : Pr y [  (x,y)  T ] ≥ |T|/M +  } d random bits “seed” E XT unknown source of length n with k bits of “min-entropy” m almost-uniform bits M = 2 m Would like m  k N = 2 n D = 2 d

9 Condensers (weaker object en route extractors) Output not close to uniform but is close to source with good min-entropy –Ideally k’  k (don’t lose entropy), m  k (good entropy “rate”) Can also be captured by list decoding type definition –LIST(T) small for all small subsets T  [M], where LIST(T) = { x : Pr y [  (x,y)  T ] ≥  } d random bits seed C OND k - source of length n ~ k’-source of length m

10 The common framework Definitions of various useful objects  : [N] x [D]  [M] captured as: “For all subsets T  [M] that obey certain property, a suitably defined list decoding of T, LIST(T), has small size” –List decodable codes: T arising out of received words –Expanders, condensers: T of small size Also case for “list recoverable codes” –Extractors: arbitrary T The framework gives not just unified abstractions, but also a proof method that leads to the best constructions and analysis.

11 Parameters of interest Map  : [N] x [D]  [M] What we care about varies for different objects Extractors: small seed length D (= poly(log N)); large output length M Codes: want small alphabet size M, small D (= O(log N)) –Small |LIST(T)|, plus efficient algorithm to recover LIST(T) Tight analysis of size of LIST(T) : –exact value not too crucial for codes; –for lossless expanders it is crucial (factor 2 worse bound implies factor 2 worse expansion)

12 The abstraction in action Unbalanced expanders Expander Construction from Parvaresh-Vardy codes View as condensers and application to extractors Conclusions

13 Unbalanced Expander Graphs Goals: Minimize D Maximize A ( lossless expansion: A close to D ) Minimize M (not much larger than O(KD)) |  (S)|  A ¢ |S| ( vertex expansion) M  S, |S|  K “ (K,A) expander” N D

14 Expanders have many uses … Fault-tolerant networks (e.g., [Pin73,Chu78,GG81]) Sorting in parallel [AKS83] Derandomization [AKS87,IZ89,INW94,IW97,Rei05,…] PCP theorem [Din06] Randomness Extractors [CW89,GW94,TUZ01,RVW00,GUV07] Error-correcting codes [SS96,Spi96,LMSS01,GI01-04] Distributed routing in networks [ PU89,ALM96,BFU99 ]. Data structures [ BMRV00 ]. Hard tautologies in proof complexity [BW99,ABRW00,AR01 ]. Pseudorandom matrices, Almost Euclidean sections of L 1 N [GLR’08,GLW’08] …. Need explicit constructions (deterministic, time poly(log N)).

15 (Bipartite) Expander Graphs Goals: Minimize D Maximize A Minimize M |  (S)|  A ¢ |S| M  S, |S|  K Optimal (Non-constructive): D = O(log (N/M) /  ) A = (1-  ) ¢ D M = O(KD/  “ (K,A) expander” N D

16 Explicit Constructions Optimal O(log (N/M)) (1-  ) ¢ D O(KD  Ramanujan graphs O(1) ¼ D/2N Zig-zag  CRVW02] O(1) (1-  ) ¢ D  N Ta-Shma, Umans, Zuckerman[TUZ01] polylog(N) exp(poly(log log N)) (1-  ) ¢ D exp(poly(log KD) poly(KD) G., Umans, Vadhan polylog(N) (1-  ) ¢ Dpoly(KD) degree D expansion A |right-side| M  arbitrary positive constant.

17 Utility of Expansion Utility of Expansion (1-  ) ¢ D At least (1-2  ) D |S| elements of  (S) are unique neighbors: touch exactly one edge from S |  (S)|  (1-  ) D |S| D N M  S, |S|  K x Set membership in bit-probe model [BMRV’00] Fault tolerance: Even if an adversary removes say ¾ edges from each vertex, lossless expansion maintained (with  =4  ) Useful in Expander codes [SS’96]

18 The Result Theorem [GUV]:  N, K,  >0, 9 explicit (K,A) expander with degree D = poly(log N, 1/  ) expansion A = (1-  ) ¢ D #right vertices M = D 2 ¢ K 1.01 |  (S)|  A ¢ |S| M  S, |S|  K “ (K,A) expander” N D

19 Parvaresh-Vardy codes Variant of Reed-Solomon codes Parameters of construction: n, F q, m, h, an irreducible polynomial E(Y) of degree n over F q Encoding: Given message f  F q n or polynomial f(Y)  F q [Y] of degree (n-1), –PV(f) y = (f 0 (y), f 1 (y), …, f m-1 (y)) for y  F q where f i (Y) = (f(Y)) h^i mod E(Y) Define  (f, y) = (y, PV(f) y ) –Consider bipartite expander with neighborhood given by 

20 Expander theorem Left vertices = polynomials of degree · n-1 over F q (N = q n ) Degree D = q Right vertices = F q m+1 (M = q m+1 )  ( f,y ) = y ’th neighbor of f = (y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), (f h 2 mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) where E(Y) = irreducible * poly of degree n over F q h = a parameter Thm [GUV’07] : This is a (K,A) expander for K = h m, A = q-hnm. * can be found deterministically in poly(n, log q, char( F q )) time

21 Close relation to list decoding Proof of expansion based on list decoding of Parvaresh- Vardy codes –Need a tight analysis of list size –For “list recovery” version S1S1 S2S2 SqSq y 1 y 2 y q  K Possible values for each position

22 Recall list decoding view For T µ [M], define LIST(T) = {x 2 [N] :  (x) µ T} Lemma: G is a (=K,A) expander if and only if for all T µ [M] of size AK-1, we have |LIST(T)| · K-1 |  (S)|  A ¢ K “ (=K,A) expander” M  S, |S|=K N D

23 Expansion analysis  ( f,y ) = (y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) f = poly of degree · n-1, y  F q, E = irreducible of degree n Theorem: For A = q - nmh and any K · h m, we have T µ F q m+1 of size AK-1 ) |LIST(T)| · K-1 Proof outline, following [S97,GS99,PV05]: 1.Find a nonzero low-degree multivariate polynomial Q vanishing on T. 2.Show that every f 2 LIST(T) is a root of a related univariate polynomial Q*. 3.Show that Q * is nonzero and deg(Q * ) · K-1 =

24 Proof of Expansion: Step 1 Thm: For A=q-nmh, K= h m, |T| · AK-1 ) |LIST(T)| · K-1. Step 1: Find a low-degree poly Q vanishing on T µ F q m+1 Take Q(Y,Z 1,…,Z m ) to be of degree · A-1 in Y, degree · h-1 in each Z i. # coefficients = A K > |T| = # homogeneous constraints, so a nonzero solution exists Wlog E(Y) doesn’t divide Q(Y,Z 1,…,Z m ).

25 Proof of Expansion: Step 2  ( f,y ) = (y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) Step 1: 9 Q(Y,Z 1,…,Z m ) vanishing on T, deg · A-1 in Y, h-1 in Z i, E - Q Step 2: Every f 2 LIST(T) is a “root” of a related Q * Polynomial f 2 LIST(T) ) 8 y 2 F q Q(y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) = 0 ) Q(Y, f(Y), (f h mod E)(Y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(Y))  0 ) Q(Y, f(Y), f(Y) h, …, f(Y) h m-1 )  0 (mod E(Y)) ) Q * (f) = 0 in extension field U= F q [Y]/(E(Y)), where Q*  U[Z] is given by Q * (Z) = Q(Y,Z,Z h,…,Z h m-1 ) mod E(Y) Degree ≤ A-1+nmh < q ≤ # roots

26 Proof of Expansion: Step 3 Step 2: 8 f 2 LIST(T) Q * (f) = 0 where Q * (Z) = Q(Y,Z,Z h,…,Z h m-1 ) mod E(Y) Step 3: Show that Q * is nonzero and deg(Q * ) · K-1 Q * (Z) nonzero because –Q(Y,Z 1,….,Z m ) mod E(Y) is nonzero –Q is of deg · h-1 in Z i so distinct monomals get mapped to distinct powers of Z when we set Z i = Z h i deg(Q * ) · h-1+(h-1) ¢ h+  +(h-1) ¢ h m-1 = h m -1 = K-1

27 Proof of Expansion: Wrap-Up  ( f,y ) = (y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) LIST(T) = { x 2 [N] :  (x) µ T } Theorem: For A = q - nmh, K= h m, |T| · AK-1 ) |LIST(T)| · K-1. There is a nonzero polynomial Q * over U= F q [Y]/(E(Y)) with deg(Q * ) · K - 1 such that every f  LIST(T) satisfies Q * (f) = 0. Hence |LIST(T)| · deg(Q * ) · K - 1. ¥

28 Parameter Choices LHS = F q n, degree D = q, RHS = F q m+1 We have a (K,A) expander with K = h m, A = q - nmh To make A  (1-  ) ¢ D, pick q  nmh/ . To make M ¼ KD, need q m+1 ¼ q h m, so take q ¼ h 1+  Set h ¼ ( nm /  ) 1/   q ¼ h 1+ . Then: A = q - nmh  (1-  q = (1-  ) ¢ D M = q m+1 ¼ q ¢ h ( 1+  m ¼ D ¢ K 1+  D = ( nm /  ) 1+1/  ¼ ((log N)(log K)/  ) 1+1/ 

29 Our Expander Result Thm: For every N, K,  >0, 9 explicit (K,A) expander with degree D = O((log N) ¢ (log K)/  ) 1+1/  expansion A = (1-  ) ¢ D #right vertices M = (D ¢ K) 1+  |  (S)|  A ¢ |S| M  S, |S|  K “ (K,A) expander” N D

30 Outline Unbalanced expanders Expander Construction from Parvaresh-Vardy codes View as condensers and application to Extractors Conclusions

31 Extractors [NZ’93] Goal: Output  -close to uniform on {0,1} m (for large m and small d) Optimal (nonconstructive): d = log n + 2 log(1/  ) + O(1) m = (k+d) - 2 log(1/  ) - O(1) d random bits “seed” E XT Uniform sample from unknown subset X  {0,1} n of size 2 k m almost-uniform bits

32 Extractors: Original Motivation Randomization is pervasive in CS –Algorithm design, cryptography, distributed computing, … Typically assume perfect random source. –Unbiased, independent random bits –Unrealistic? Can we use a “weak” random source? –Source of biased & correlated bits. –More realistic model of physical sources. (Randomness) Extractors: convert a weak random source into an almost-perfect random source. Dozens of constructions over 15+ years

33 Extractors: many “extraneous” uses… Derandomization of (poly-time/log-space) algorithms [Sip88,NZ93,INW94, GZ97,RR99, MV99,STV99,GW02] Distributed & Network Algorithms [WZ95,Zuc97,RZ98,Ind02]. Hardness of Approximation [Zuc93,Uma99,MU01,Zuc06] Data Structures [Ta02] Cryptography [BBR85,HILL89,CDHKS00,Lu02,DRS04,NV04] List decodable codes [TZ01,Gur04] Metric Embeddings [Ind06] Compressed sensing [Ind07]

34 [GUV] Result on Extractors Thm: For every n, k,  >0, 9 explicit (k,  ) extractor with seed length d=O(log n + log (1/  )) and output length m=.99k. Previously achieved by [LRVW03] –Only worked for  ¸ 1/n o(1) –Complicated recursive construction Optimal up to constant factors

35 2k2k Expanders & Lossless Condensers Lemma [TUZ01]:  : {0,1} n £ {0,1} d ! {0,1} m is a lossless ((n, k) !  (m,k +d )) condenser if graph is a (2 k,(1-  ) ¢ 2 d ) expander. Proof: Expansion ) can make 1-1 by moving  fraction of edges {0,1} n {0,1} m 2d2d ¸ (1-  )  2 d ¢ 2 k n - bit source with entropy k m ¼ 1.01k bit source with entropy ( k+d) d -bit seed C OND x (x,y)(x,y) y

36 Extractor Using PV code, we have compressed the n bit source to 1.01k bits while retaining all the entropy (using O(log n) bit seed) –Cond ( f,y ) = (y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) Now extract 0.99k bits from the 1.01k bit source with entropy k –Easier, specialized task (due to high entropy percentage) –Good constructions already known For constant error , can use a simple random walk based extractor –Compose with our condenser to get final extractor

37 Extractor for high min-entropy Extractor for min-entropy rate 99% that extracts 99% of the input min-entropy with constant error : Ext(x,y) = y’th vertex on expander walk specified by x ( n bit source: specify walk of length  n/c) 2 c -degree expander on 2 (1-  )n nodes Extraction follows from Chernoff bound for expander walks [Gil98]

38 Variation on the Condenser Cond ( f,y ) = (y, f(y), (f h mod E)(y), …, (f h m-1 mod E)(y)) Use E(Y) = Y q-1 - , for generator  of F q * [G.-Rudra’06] ) (f q i mod E)(y) = f (  i y) Cond(f,y) = (y, f(y), f (γy), f(γ 2 y)…, f(γ m-1 y)) Condenser from Folded Reed-Solomon code [ GR06 ] –Loses small constant fraction of min-entropy Okay for the extractor application –Univariate analogue of Shaltiel-Umans extractor f(Y) q = f(Y q )  f(  Y) mod E(Y)

39 Conclusions List decoding view + an algebraic code construction ) best known constructions of –Highly unbalanced expanders –Lossless condensers –Randomness extractors Future directions? –Constant degree lossless expanders (alternative to zig-zag) Non-bipartite expanders? –Direct construction of a simple, algebraic extractor –Extractors with better (or even optimal) entropy loss? Suffices to achieve this for entropy rate 0.999 –Other pseudorandom objects: multi-source extractors?

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