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Lesson 3: My Librarian is a Camel Review. It is difficult for many Mongolian children to receive books because people living in the Mongolian deserts.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3: My Librarian is a Camel Review. It is difficult for many Mongolian children to receive books because people living in the Mongolian deserts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3: My Librarian is a Camel Review

2 It is difficult for many Mongolian children to receive books because people living in the Mongolian deserts live a ___________ lifestyle. This means they move from place to place, they do not stay in one place. nomadic fashionable rushed nomadic communal

3 The camels in Kenya travel in _________ to deliver books to the children because the roads are impassable in the desert areas. caravans highways isolation water caravans

4 Books are delivered by _______ in Canada’s northwest regions because this is the fastest way to get books across such vast distances. mail boat camel mail airplane

5 The children in Mongolia think that books are sweeter than ____________. candy sugar ice cream candy chocolate

6 ________ deliver books across the mountains of Thailand because it is very difficult to get books to these places. Elephants elephants zebras camels sled dogs

7 The problem that some areas in Canada have with receiving books is that the country is so big, and there are many _________ villages. isolated big isolated trendy industrial

8 _______ deliver books to people who live on the rocky island communities of Finland. Boats cars boats planes busses

9 The people in Peru’s small rural areas receive books in _____ and ______ for the entire community to borrow for a few months. bagssuitcases wheelbarrows and burlap sacks boxes and crates bags and suitcases parachutes and pillowcases

10 In Bangkok, Thailand, there is a large homeless population. One solution to help the homeless children is to turn old ___________ into libraries and classrooms. train cars train cars empty buildings cardboard boxes tents

11 Camels are a great way to get kids books in Kenya because they can go long distances carrying very heavy loads, and they need very little _______. water gasoline friendship sleep water

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