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FIRST 90 DAYS First 90 Days: The next 60 and more!! So you've moved into your office, met your staff, gotten your keys and read about your predecessor...Now.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST 90 DAYS First 90 Days: The next 60 and more!! So you've moved into your office, met your staff, gotten your keys and read about your predecessor...Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST 90 DAYS First 90 Days: The next 60 and more!! So you've moved into your office, met your staff, gotten your keys and read about your predecessor...Now what?


3 1. Remember everyone is watching: Capitalize on this time!

4 2. Meet your neighbors

5 3. Walk the places. Think about the next year’s work.

6 4. Keep the newness… Fresh Perspective Buildings Conversations

7 5. Look at Early Wins that align with your philosophy… All day K/Office update $ conservative Principal choice

8 6. Interview: Listen/ Understand your role

9 7. Connect with others / Make it fit your style Previous Supt. sponsors and WASA/AWSP Your future

10 8. Political frame in your District: Who is your Lucy? Emperor and the clothes

11 9. Be at everything: Support and Learn Remember to Smile

12 10. You won't know everything: They hired you for what??

13 11. Get as smart as you can as soon as you can

14 12. Allow the work to be organic: Get to know your Board

15 13. You will not know what the year has in store??

16  Levy 4 yrs. Strategic Plan Goals, and Beliefs Professional Development New Hires Board meetings

17 Communication Plan: Website, Public Monthly Supt. in paper: Communication from you Action plan WSLA/ Grants School k-8 Innovative focus and creativity

18 Maintenance and Real Estate Plan Supt. PLC Contract Support: WASA Supt. Sponsorship Principal work: WSLA and PLC

19 14. Don't underestimate your need for support: Family, public and WASA

20 Research on Transitions: Developing strong board relationships during the first 90 days: Strategies for aspiring superintendents by Valdes, Rene Martin, Ed.D., UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 2012 These strategies included: 1. having an entry plan, 2.relentless open and transparent communication, and 3.alignment and use of a variety of leadership efforts which met the goals and/or needs of the district. The data also revealed that 4. interpersonal skills was an important factor that led to the hiring and ultimate success of superintendents during the entry period.

21 Michael Watkins,Chairman of Genesis Advisers, an executive on-boarding and transition acceleration company located in Newton, Massachusetts research "The actions you take during your first three months in a new job will largely determine whether you succeed or fail. Transitions are periods of opportunity, a chance to start afresh and to make needed changes in an organization. But they are also periods of acute vulnerability, because you lack established working relationships and a detailed understanding of your new role. If you fail to build momentum during your transition, you will face an uphill battle from that point forward."

22 1. The root causes of transition failure always lie in a pernicious interaction between the situation, with its opportunities and pitfalls, and the individual, with his or her strengths and vulnerabilities. "Transition failures happen when new leaders either misunderstand the essential demands of the situation or lack the skill and flexibility to adapt to them.“ 2. There are systematic methods that leaders can employ to both lessen the likelihood of failure and reach the breakeven point faster. 3. The overriding goal in a transition is to build momentum by creating virtuous cycles that build credibility and by avoiding getting caught in vicious cycles that damage credibility. 4. Transitions are a crucible for leadership development and should be managed accordingly. 5. Adoption of a standard framework for accelerating transitions can yield big returns for organizations.

23 90 Day Strategies Promote yourself Accelerate your learning Match strategy to situation Secure early wins Negotiate success Achieve alignment Build your team Create coalitions Keep your balance Expedite everyone

24 Most Importantly: Realize this is a journey and you have many friends along the way!!

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