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The Late Middle Ages (1200-1400) World History - Libertyville HS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Late Middle Ages (1200-1400) World History - Libertyville HS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Late Middle Ages (1200-1400) World History - Libertyville HS

2 Characteristics of Period Agriculture – Limits of agricultural land reached – “Mini Ice Age” caused famines, loss of crops due to poor growing seasons / long winters Politics – Wars common through period as political consolidation continued

3 Characteristics of Period Economic – Invention of double entry bookkeeping allowed for keeping track of debts and income at same time – Led to development of banking – Rise of Italian banking families Medici, of Florence Became patrons of the Renaissance

4 Characteristics of Period Hanseatic League (N. Holy Roman Empire) – Trading federation among Baltic Sea & inland HRE – Political, economic force in late Middle Ages (fish on Fridays) – Helped create larger, more varied European trading communities Luxury goods became more available for rich Iron tools became more common for poor

5 Characteristics of Period Religious – Real and perceived corruption of Church Simony, sale of indulgences – Rise of “heretics” (people who disagree with Catholic church) – Jon Hus – Czech philosopher who opposed simony, indulgences – Invited to debate church – Imprisoned, burned at stake – Important because he foreshadowed Protestant Reformation – Inquisition

6 Characteristics of Period Education – Rise of universities in 1100s, in Europe – “University” = community of scholars – Universities usually run by priests, monks – Purpose of learning was to understand God better – Universities surprisingly accepting of ideas from other cultures (zero, Arabic numbers for math)

7 Black Death (1347-1350) Estimated death toll = 50 million – Between 1/3 and ½ of population of Europe Death toll high, but not only b/c of plague – Trade stopped (no food) – Famines – Labor shortages, in fields – 100 Years War started in 1337

8 Black Death (Bubonic Plague) Bubonic plague carried by fleas Fleas carried by Rats Plague actually a virus Made its way to Europe from China – Probably brought from East by Italian merchants – Rats on ships brought infected fleas to Europe

9 Bubonic Plague Characteristics Fever, blotches all over body Huge swelling under armpits, around lymph nodes, called buboes If they burst, you were ok; if not, you were dead within hours Puncturing them with a knife did not help

10 Responses to the Plague Doctors thought it was transmitted through the air (herbs, incense) Religious leaders thought God was punishing man for sins – Flagellant cult: travelling groups who prayed for forgiveness & whipped themselves as a sign of repentance – Blamed Jews for plague (attacks)

11 Effects of Plague Peasant life improved – Population way down, but their service became valuable – Demanded wages, better working conditions from Lords – If life didn’t improve, peasants rebelled Nobility were less affected by plague – Less contact with virus carrying rats – 1 prince, relatively few nobles died – Affected more by economic, political changes

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