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5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12.

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Presentation on theme: "5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12

2 Sacrifice Blood Meal Death Deliverance Exodus 12

3 Seder – order, procedure
First month of your year - Nisan A lasting ordinance for the generations to come Pesach – Passover Seder – order, procedure Exodus 12: 1-2, 14, 17, 24-27

4 Hebrew year - 5773 Nisan - sacred Passover – Nisan 15 (Mar 25, 2013)
Iyar Sivan Tammuz Av Elul Tishri - civil Cheshvan Kislev Tevet Shevat Adar (Adar II) – next is 5774 (2014) Passover – Nisan 15 (Mar 25, 2013) Rosh Hashanah – Tishri 1 (Sept 17, 2012) Hebrew year Purim – Adar 14 (Feb 24, 2013)

5 SACRIFICE 10th day of first month – take a lamb Year-old Male
No defects Sheep or goat Care for lamb until 14th day SLAUGHTER Exodus 12: 3-6, 21

6 The lamb of God who takes away
SACRIFICE The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world John 1: 29 Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect I Peter 1: 19 Worthy is the Lamb, Who was slain Exodus 12: 3-6, 21

7 10th of Nisan – triumphal entry
SACRIFICE 10th of Nisan – triumphal entry John 12: 12 Lamb slaughtered - 14th day of Nisan, twilight Luke 23: 44-46 Exodus 12: 3-6, 21

8 5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12

9 Sacrifice Blood Meal Death Deliverance Exodus 12

10 blood blood (from the slaughtered lamb) put it on the sides and tops
of the doorframes of their houses Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23

11 blood Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22

12 blood Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22

13 blood Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22

14 blood Heth Life Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22

15 The blood will be a sign for you…
When I (God) see it, I will pass over you This is My blood of the new covenant Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23

16 blood On the doorframes Dipped in blood Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23
Revelation 19: 13 On the doorframes Exodus 12: 7, 22 John 10: 7-9 Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23

17 No destructive plague will touch you
blood No destructive plague will touch you Exodus 12: 13 Justified by His blood Saved from God’s wrath Romans 5: 9 Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23

18 Blood of lambs and goats
Exodus 12: 7 Blood of Christ cleanses consciences Hebrews 9: 13-14 Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23

19 To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood
Revelation 1: 5 Exodus 12: 7, 13, 22-23

20 5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12

21 Sacrifice Blood Meal Death Deliverance Exodus 12

22 Unleavened bread (7 days)
MEAL Lamb (no broken bones) Bitter herbs Unleavened bread (7 days) In haste No foreigners No uncircumcised It is the LORD’s Passover Exodus 12: 8-11, 14-20, 43-50

23 Take, eat, this is My body MEAL Not one of his bones will be broken
Lamb Roasted whole over fire Not raw or boiled in water No broken bones Exodus 12: 8-11, 46 Take, eat, this is My body Not one of his bones will be broken John 19: 31-37

24 Unleavened ‘chametz’ bread (7 days)
MEAL Bitter herbs Unleavened ‘chametz’ bread (7 days) Exodus 12: 8-11, 14-20, 33-39 I am the bread of life Bread without yeast Bread of sincerity & truth I Corinthians 5: 6-8

25 Communion in an unworthy manner
MEAL In haste No foreigners No uncircumcised Exodus 12: 8-11, 43-50 Communion in an unworthy manner I Corinthians 11: 27-29

26 "The fear is that chametz could be present
because the Kinneret is an open body of water." Pumping water from the underground wells, where it was far less likely that bread or other chametz could reach, was acceptable to everyone Arutz Sheva Israel National News March 3, 2013

27 Israel’s Veterinary Services will not authorize
the planned public ritual sacrifice of a goat in honor of Passover this year, Veterinary Services representative Zohar Dvorkin said Thursday. Arutz Sheva Israel National News March 15, 2013

28 5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12

29 Sacrifice Blood Meal Death Deliverance Exodus 12

30 DEATH Strike down every firstborn Judge all the gods of Egypt
There was not a house without someone dead Exodus 12: 12, 29-30, 33

31 Judge all the gods of Egypt
DEATH Judge all the gods of Egypt Pharaoh Heket Nefri/Seth Hapi money career Ra/Khonsu Animal gods internet television Exodus 12: 12, 29-30, 33

32 DEATH One man = sin = death One man = grace = life For as in Adam
Romans 5: 12, 17 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive I Corinthians 15: 22

33 …so that He might taste death
A death MUST occur Will it be yours? Or His? …so that He might taste death for everyone Hebrews 2: 9

34 5 things to remember for Passover Exodus 12

35 Sacrifice Blood Meal Death Deliverance Exodus 12

36 DELIVERANCE "We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt,
and the Lord our God took us out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. And if the Holy One, Blessed Be God, had not taken our ancestors out of Egypt, we and our children, and our children's children, would still be enslaved to the Pharaohs in Egypt." Pesach Haggadah Exodus 12: 13, 23, 27, 31-42, 51

37 the LORD brought the Israelites
DELIVERANCE I will pass over you And on that very day the LORD brought the Israelites out of Egypt Exodus 12: 13, 23, 27, 31-42, 51

38 500 years earlier… DELIVERANCE As the sun was setting…
When the sun had set… Genesis 15: 8-18

39 DELIVERANCE These people will prostitute
themselves to the foreign gods… Deuteronomy 31: 14-18 But I love you anyway… Romans 5: 8

40 DELIVERANCE - Israel Out of slavery From death Into the promised land
Exodus 12: 51 From death Exodus 14: 29-30 Into the promised land Joshua 3: 14-17

41 DELIVERANCE - Us Out of slavery From death Into the promised land
Romans 6: 6-7 From death John 5: 24 Into the promised land John 14: 1-4

42 DELIVERANCE He will see the blood… He will not permit the destroyer
to enter & strike you down Exodus 12: 23 Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world I John 4: 4

43 Sacrifice Blood Meal Death Deliverance Exodus 12

44 He is risen! He is risen indeed!

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