June 17, 2009.  Title Conversion  Career Service Pay Plan (Pay Grid)  Differentials  Initial (Partial) Implementation  Accessing Future Pay.

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Presentation on theme: "June 17, 2009.  Title Conversion  Career Service Pay Plan (Pay Grid)  Differentials  Initial (Partial) Implementation  Accessing Future Pay."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 17, 2009

2  Title Conversion  Career Service Pay Plan (Pay Grid)  Differentials  Initial (Partial) Implementation  Accessing Future Pay

3  LAT II and III are now Library Technician  LS I and II are now Library Supervisor  Admin Sec and Admin Asst I are now Administrative Specialist III  Some positions set by OPM do not match University of Arkansas  Administrative Assistant II  Supervisors and subordinates in same title/grade

4 Current TitleCurrent Grade New TitleNew Grade Accounting Tech I12Fiscal Support TechnicianC108 Admin Asst I15Administrative Specialist IIIC112 Admin Asst II17Admin Support SupervisorC113 Admin Secretary14Admin Support SupervisorC113 Comp Supp Spec I18Comp Support TechnicianC115 Editor20EditorC117 Secretary II13Administrative Specialist IIC109

5 Current TitleCurrent Grade New TitleNew Grade LAT I10Library Support AsstC107 LAT II12Library TechnicianC109 LAT III14Library TechnicianC109 LS I17Library SupervisorC115 LS II19Library SupervisorC115 Mailroom Sup12Mail Services CoordC107 S & R Clerk11S & R ClerkC105

6  Entry: Minimum entry salary rate for classifications assigned to the career service pay plan  Base: Maximum entry salary for classifications assigned to the career service pay plan  Midpoint: Rate of pay midway between the base pay level and maximum pay level established for each grade  Maximum: Highest authorized level of pay for a pay grade  Career Service: Salary level established on career service pay plan in a grade which is authorized only for current employees who meet established eligibility criteria

7  Hiring Minimums will be ranges based on lowest paid employees in that grade  Library Technician (LAT II and III) and Administrative Specialist II (Sec II)  State minimum $21,827…Hiring minimum $20,140  Labor Markets  Must be re-established  Exception is prevailing wage apprenticeship for skilled trades worker per special legislation  COLA: None in 2009, but included in 2010(if funded)  Merit: Continues for July, August, and September  Based on hire date


9  Cumulative total cannot exceed 25% of employee’s base salary  Shift Differential  Hazard Pay  Professional Certification  Degree Completion (Educational)  Geographic Index  Language

10  Currently have one shift differential  New plan changes to two shift differentials  New shift differential hours:  3:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (Evening) – 6%  11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. (Graveyard) – 12%  Awaiting further policy clarification

11  Increased risk of personal physical injury can occur due to position’s location, facility, or services provided  Employee is exposed to clear, direct, and unavoidable hazards at least 50% of work time.  Employee cannot already be compensated for hazardous exposure  Hazard pay differential is 6%  Example: Public Safety Officer

12  Plan must be created for approval  Professional Certification differential is 6%  Recognized professional certifying organization  Certification must be directly related to the position  Certification cannot be a minimum requirement for the position  Certification must be obtained after plan is implemented and must remain current  Documentation is required

13  Plan must be created for approval  Education differential is 6%  Degree must be directly related to the position  Degree must be from an accredited institution of higher education  Documentation is required  Degree cannot be a minimum requirement for the position

14  Northwest Arkansas area competitive wages are different than other areas of the state  Similar to Labor Market  Addresses the inability to recruit and retain certain employees in specific geographical area of state (Delta region)  Geographic Area differential is 6%

15  Must be directly related to job  Requires a demonstrated ability and skill to communicate in a language other than English, including American Sign Language  Second Language differential is 10%

16  For employees whose salary exceeds new maximum level or new career level  Monthly salary will remain unchanged  On June 30, 2010, will receive lump sum payment for pay plan increase  Must still be employed by University of Arkansas

17  All position changes (promotion, demotion, or reclassification) are 10% or new hiring minimum (whichever is higher)  Reclassification resulting in a lower grade will not reduce employee’s salary

18  Based on cumulative service on June 30, 2009: <2 years +0.50% 2-5.99 years +0.75% 6-10.99 years+1.00% 11-15.99 years +1.25% 16-20.99 years +1.50% 21-25.99 years +1.75% 26-30.99 years +2.00% 31-35.99 years +2.25% 36+ years +2.50%

19  Advantages of Length of Service Adjustments:  Allows for a better distribution of employees within assigned grades  Eliminates many potential salary inequities  Recognizes the service contribution of career employees

20  Appropriate percentage will be calculated and added to current salary  If amount puts salary above entry rate for position grade, calculated salary becomes new salary  If amount is less than entry for grade, then percentage calculation is disregarded and difference in current salary and new entry rate is divided in half, and that half is added to current salary

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27  Career Service Pay Plan  http://libinfo.uark.edu/webdocs/humanresources/Clas sifiedPayPlan2009-2010.pdf http://libinfo.uark.edu/webdocs/humanresources/Clas sifiedPayPlan2009-2010.pdf  Some positions will be reviewed after implementation  Exempt/Non-Exempt Status  Campus HR Forum  June 18th, 2:00 Poultry Sci Auditorium, Rm A-211  Campus HR presentation http://hr.uark.edu/classcomp/payPlanFiles/HR%20For um%20Pay%20Plan%20Final.pptx http://hr.uark.edu/classcomp/payPlanFiles/HR%20For um%20Pay%20Plan%20Final.pptx

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