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By KYU Please click through the slideshow

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1 By KYU Please click through the slideshow
Our ABC Book By KYU Please click through the slideshow

2 Aa A is for two apples on the shelf. By Maggie

3 Bb B is for bees in a beehive and butterflies. By Julia

4 Cc C is for cat who is eating a carrot in his cage. By Dylan

5 Dd D is for dog digging a hole. By Jayden

6 Ee E is for eagle eating an egg. By Brayden.

7 Ee E is for elephant that is named Eddy. By Ryan

8 Ff F is for a green frog with a flower. By Maddy

9 Gg G is for the gorilla is great. By Aubrey

10 Hh H is for horses that love hay. By Liam

11 Ii I is for penguin in an igloo. By Bodhi

12 Jj J is for jellyfish is just swimming. By Brynleigh

13 Kk K is for kitten flying a kite. By Sophie.

14 Ll L is for ladybugs on a log. By Andrew

15 Mm M is for mouth. M is for Maggie. By Lily

16 Nn N is for nose and nails. By Tyler.

17 Oo O is for orange octopus. By Rachel

18 Pp P is for pig and penguin. By Maddy

19 Qq Q is for a beautiful queen. By Maggie

20 Rr R is for roar (tiger). By Katie

21 Ss S is for snake in the sun. By Brandon

22 Tt T is for Teddy riding a tiger. By Cody.

23 Uu U is for I am under an umbrella. By Adrianna

24 Vv V is for vacuum. By Sadey

25 Ww W is for water with fish who are wet. By Maggie

26 Xx X is for a x-ray of the heart. By Adrianna

27 Yy Y is for a yellow flower on a sunny day. By Sadey

28 Zz Z is for a zipper goes zip. By Teddy

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