1 Mississippi College Readiness Summit IHL Initiatives M arch 4, 2009 Lynn J. House, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner Academic and Student Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mississippi College Readiness Summit IHL Initiatives M arch 4, 2009 Lynn J. House, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner Academic and Student Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mississippi College Readiness Summit IHL Initiatives M arch 4, 2009 Lynn J. House, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner Academic and Student Affairs

2 2 Four Subject Areas Mathematics – Completed 6/08 English/Lang. Arts – Completed 6/08 Biology – Initiated work in 7/08 US History – Initiated work in 7/08 Development of MS College Readiness Standards

3 3 BRC for Redesign of Teacher Preparation Purpose: To increase both the quality and quantity of teachers for Mississippi’s schools through collaborative processes. Institutions currently developing proposals for redesign External review in late spring Full implementation in Fall 2009

4 4 Course Redesign National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT) Model 16 projects in 8 IHL institutions Pilot began in January 2009 Full implementation in Fall 2009 Focus on student success and cost savings through use of instructional technology

5 5 Lumina Making Opportunity Affordable Planning Grant Partnering with CJCs for course redesign in developmental math courses Collaborating with Delta Cost Project on reducing costs per degree Developing communication mechanisms

6 6 Developmental Education Task Force Outgrowth of strategic planning session Collaborative representation Four subcommittees 1.Preparation 2.Policy & Procedures 3.Practices & Programs 4.Public Relations

7 7 Data Quality Collaborative Seamless P-16 Data Collection and Data Sharing Partnership effort with MDE, CJCs, and IHLs Assistance from SREB

8 8 NASH Access to Success Initiative One of 20 systems involved Dedicated to improving access and completion Focus on halving the achievement gap for under-represented students

9 9 GEAR UP MS Federally funded grant program – $18M Supports students through multiple activities beginning in 7 th grade Currently in 50 middle schools in 20 school districts across the state Coordinated College Goal Sunday activities in February

10 10 America Reads MS Federally-funded grant program of volunteers for schools ARM volunteers serve as reading tutors Tuition awards available for members Serves multiple areas across the state

11 11 www.Mississippi.edu New 3-part college access website: –ParentGuide2College.com – just for parents –RiseUpMS.com – for middle and high school students –ThinkHigherMS.com – for adults and transfer students Academic Readiness: –Relevance of education beyond high school –High school course selection –Standardized tests Logistical Readiness: –How to choose a college –How to apply –Where to find financial aid

12 12 Counselor Training Collaboration with SREB, using College Access Challenge Grant funds 6 states developing course for counselors Professional development course will help counselors : –Talk to underserved students about college –Assist underserved students overcome barriers to college (academic, financial, logistical) –Assist underserved students prepare for success in college and the workplace

13 13 Feedback Reports High School Feedback Report Pilot Launch in Spring 2008 Next Launch in Spring 2009 CJC Report In Development Provides data on graduates attending IHLs

14 14 African American Male Initiative Led by Dr. Reginald Sykes, Assistant Commissioner Community/Jr. College Relations Collaborative effort targeted for at-risk population Developing activities for increasing access and success for African American males

15 15 Articulation with CJCs Also led by Dr. Sykes Seamless transfer system from CJCs to four-year institutions Collaboration with CJC Academic Deans and IHL Chief Academic Officers On-going problem-solving process Factor in alignment of high schools, CJCs, and IHLs which impacts COLLEGE READINESS!

16 16 Moving Toward Greater Collaboration One State… Three Systems… Many Institutions… One Goal: Educating Mississippi’s Population! Are we up to the challenge?

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