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I nteractive G uided N on-Traditional I ndividualized T echnology – Based E ducation.

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Presentation on theme: "I nteractive G uided N on-Traditional I ndividualized T echnology – Based E ducation."— Presentation transcript:

1 I nteractive G uided N on-Traditional I ndividualized T echnology – Based E ducation

2  Staff Beth LePla – Teacher Nick Carr – Teacher Laura Clarke – Teacher Angela Costello – Teacher Kristen Johnson – Teacher Antuwan Parks - Monitor Why is IGNITE successful?  Teacher – Student Connections!  Student Course Completion instills an “I can do this” attitude!  Blended Program – On line learning & direct instruction/intervention

3 Results: 1 st Semester: Enrollment October 3, 2012: 38 Graduates to date: 5 GED Completion: 1 Students Accepted to College: 3 Courses Attempted/Started: 170* *Students will continue courses started through to completion Courses Completed: 98 Students attending Skill Center: 1 Work Based Learning/Coop: 3 IGNITE Labs: 2 2 nd Semester: Enrollment February 7, 2013: 58 Students attending Skill Center: 3 Work Based Learning/Coop: 5 IGNITE Labs: 4

4 GradPoint What do our students say….  Gradpoint is working fine. Getting a faster pace to finish more classes.  Need to get more work done, but other than that….Amazing!  Everything is good for me. I like it a lot better now.  Gradpoint is going well. The more I get used to doing it the better it gets. There is nothing to really complain about.  The Gradpoint program is easier for me than regular high school.  I’m doing real good on the quiz part and it's better than switching classes….so I like it.  I like Gradpoint so much better than regular school. Working at my own pace is what I really needed.  I like it, it is a lot easier for me than traditional classroom. But I need music.  The program is doing good. I think I could pass.  How does it Work? Students work 4 hours per school day and are able to log on from outside the building to continue progress in their courses. 1 course = 1 semester’s worth of material. Students are able to progress through an entire course at their own pace, typically at a faster rate than the pace of a traditional classroom. Each lesson, quiz, and post test require students to pass with a minimum of a 70%, guaranteeing success in the courses. We celebrate each course completion! Students hang a star on the lobby bulletin board, a tradition that all students look forward to! GradPoint works well for our students, it teaches them to be self-motivated & driven to accomplish their goals; along with the support they receive from the staff and mentors.

5 Thursday, December 20, 2012 - Celebration & Pizza Party

6 Career Focus/Speakers  The Power of face to face connections! Thank you to the following speakers! *Mott Community College, Flint, MI *ITT Technical Institute, Swartz Creek, MI *MIAT – Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology, Canton, MI *ESPN Radio & Dow Diamond staff, Midland, MI *Takata Restraint Systems, Design Engineer and Digital Designer, Auburn Hills, MI *Genesys Health Systems, Orthopedic Surgeon, Grand Blanc, MI *USMC, Sergeant, Flushing, MI

7 Community Service  Each student is required to complete three hours of community service per year.  Activities students have participated in:  Pinehurst Trunk-or-Treating  Mt. Morris Candle Walk  Backpack Packing/Truck Unloading  Custodial Assistance at Central  Future Activities/Ideas Include:  Big Brother/Big Sister Type Program  Habitat for Humanity – Spring  Elementary Support and Assistance Mentoring  Mentoring consists of weekly contact between parents and students about progress and other school related subjects.  Mentoring helps build student-to- teacher and teacher-to-parent relationships that traditional schooling can lack.  It also creates a support system for students when they struggle or need assistance.

8 Interventions/STAR STAR Data: Reading Fall: 24% - at or above grade level Winter: 33% - at or above grade level Math Fall: 40% - at or above grade level Winter: 52% - at or above grade level Direct Instructional Support ~ How are we addressing our students needs? Career & College Readiness (CCR courses)  Read 180, GradPoint, direct teacher instruction & differentiated instruction will be used to help student achieve their individual reading goals.  Students will read & write using college & career related texts. They will be planning & preparing for their future while being provided individualized reading support.  The students EDP will be used as a means to make career, employability and career focused connections.

9 Parent Luncheon – Celebrating Success! Trunk or Treat! Guest Speakers

10 Dream Big! Our possibilities are endless! 2 nd Semester Goals:  Increase course completion  Increase Reading & Math proficiency levels  23 - 2013 High School Graduates Challenges: *Increased WBL/Coop Opportunities *Increase in Speakers/Career Focus Speakers *Flexible Scheduling *Adolescent Parents Supports *Reading, Writing & Math Intervention Electives

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