Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Border Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Border Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Border Infrastructure

2 What does the border represent in terms of: Commerce and Investment In 2004, the total commerce between Mexico and its NAFTA partners was USD $284,000 million, which represents about 74% of the total exports of Mexico. This includes: 865 thousand tons of tomatoes, more than 1 million automobiles, and 33 million televisions. Between 1994 and March 2005, Mexico received approximately USD $100,000 million of Foreign Direct Investment from the USA and Canada. Fuente: SE

3 What does the border represent in terms of: Logistics 300 thousand vehicles cross the US-Mexico border daily (70 thousand trailers). USD $720 million worth of merchandise. 9.4 million travelers depart Mexican airports yearly with a destination in the US or Canada. 9.8 million arrive to Mexico from these countries. These represent more than 248,000 flights, or 86 per cent of Mexico´s international air traffic. Fuentes: SCT y Aduanas

4 Actual Infrastructure There are 52 Ports-of-Entry (POE): 14 passenger and commercial POE 7 Rail POE 30 Bridges 1 “Chalan” There are 52 Ports-of-Entry (POE): 14 passenger and commercial POE 7 Rail POE 30 Bridges 1 “Chalan” 49 Ports-of-Entry in operation 3 closed

5 Number of POE’s by State Baja California/California7 ports Sonora/Arizona9 ports Chihuahua/New Mexico3 ports Chihuahua/Texas9 bridges Coahuila/Texas6 bridges Nuevo León/Texas1 bridge Tamaulipas/Texas 15 ports and a “chalán” There are about 26 projects of new POEThere are about 26 projects of new POE

6 El Chalán

7 Presa La Amistad - Amistad Dam

8 Nuevo Laredo 1 – Laredo 1 First Generation (1848 - 1917) 14 Ports

9 Second Generation (1918-1959) 16 Ports Del Río - Acuña

10 Juarez - Lincoln Third Generation (1960-1989) 10 Ports

11 Reynosa - Pharr Fourth Generation (1990-2000) 8 Ports

12 Importance of Border Infrastructure 98% of the bilateral commercial transactions between Mexico and the US cross through the border (240,000 million dollars). 80% of Mexican exports (120 million dollars) cross through the bridges between Tamaulipas and Texas. 70% of passenger traffic takes place in three ports-of-entry. –Tijuana/San Isidro (Baja California- California) –Córdova/Las Américas (Chihuahua)- Texas) –Nuevo Laredo II/Laredo II 98% of the bilateral commercial transactions between Mexico and the US cross through the border (240,000 million dollars). 80% of Mexican exports (120 million dollars) cross through the bridges between Tamaulipas and Texas. 70% of passenger traffic takes place in three ports-of-entry. –Tijuana/San Isidro (Baja California- California) –Córdova/Las Américas (Chihuahua)- Texas) –Nuevo Laredo II/Laredo II

13 Results Border Security Coordinate actions against international terrorism Increase security at the border communities Modernize border practices in order to allow more efficient crossings. Coordinate actions against international terrorism Increase security at the border communities Modernize border practices in order to allow more efficient crossings. Border Partnership Agreement Action Plan 2001 Critical Infrastructure Safe flow of people Safe flow of goods Action Plan 2004 Safe, orderly and humane Repatriations Strengthening of the Border Liaison Mechanisms and Internal Consultations ChallengesResults

14 Develop a common security focus and ensure the rapid legal movement of traffic of passengers and goods in North America: Protect the region against foreign threats; Prevent and respond to threats within the region; Increase the efficient flow of low risk travelers between our borders. Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

15 Nogales, Sonora POE Expansion. All feasibility and environmental studies have been completed to approve the construction of two new commercial lanes. Border Crossings Develop methods to detect bottle necks at the U.S.- Mexico border. New Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) Lane construction for 2006. Initial Results and Initiatives… First Report

16 Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism Free and Secure Trade Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection US Visitor Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Cooperation Programs Results Border Security

17 7 international crossings with FAST lanes: Mesa de Otay, Tijuana/Otay Mesa Mexicali, Mexicali/Calexico II Las Americas, El Paso/Ciudad Juarez Zaragoza-Ysleta, El Paso/Ciudad Juarez Amanecer, Pharr/Reynosa World Commerce, Nuevo Laredo/Laredo Matamoros, Matamoros/Brownsville

18 Balance Safe Flow of People Avoid excessive wait times at the border. Expansion of pre-existing programs SENTRI Critical Infrastructure Safe flow of goods Safe flow of people Introduction of US-VISIT Program modifications Expansion of pre-existing programs SENTRI Critical Infrastructure Safe flow of goods Safe flow of people Introduction of US-VISIT Program modifications ChallengesResults

19 3 SENTRI lanes Tijuana/San Ysidro “Puerta México” Mesa de Otay/Otay Mesa Juarez Lerdo/Stanton

20 What is Mexico doing regarding border infrastructure? Reengineering the approval process for new POEs. Regional meetings to analyze the current situation of the POEs. One of the commitments of the Security and Prosperity Partnership is to reduce wait times at the POEs by 25%. Reengineering the approval process for new POEs. Regional meetings to analyze the current situation of the POEs. One of the commitments of the Security and Prosperity Partnership is to reduce wait times at the POEs by 25%.

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