Draft Area Plan The future of Primary School in Parkhall.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Area Plan The future of Primary School in Parkhall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Area Plan The future of Primary School in Parkhall

2 What is it? Draft Primary Plan The draft plan seeks to meet the objectives of area-based planning in the primary sector, namely to: ensure a network of sustainable schools, within reasonable travelling distance for pupils and capable of delivering effectively the revised curriculum identify and meet the needs of all children and young people in the area; enhance the quality of provision and raise standards; reduce the number of surplus places; reduce duplication of provision; identify realistic, innovative and creative solutions to address need, including opportunities for shared schooling on a cross-sectoral basis; maximise the use and sharing of the existing schools estate; identify potential for co-location of mainstream and special schools and explore opportunities for cross border planning.

3 School Provision Empty spaces

4 Provision in the Antrim Council Area In the 2012/13 academic year 5,010 pupils attended 25 primary schools in the Antrim Council area of the Board. 2,239 pupils attend 12 controlled primary schools. 2,091 pupils attend 8 catholic maintained primary schools. 75 pupils attend 1 Irish medium primary school. 492 pupils attend 3 controlled integrated primary schools. 113 pupils attend 1 grant maintained integrated primary school.

5 How might it affect us? Local area solution to be explored to include consideration of consolidation with Ballycraigy PS and/or Greystone PS on a site/s to be identified. The school is currently considered to be sustainable within the local area context in relation to the minimum enrolment threshold and financial viability. Declining enrolment trend. 1,005 unfilled places in the controlled sector in the local area. 230 unfilled places in the school.

6 What can I do? Complete consultation http://www.puttingpupilsfirst.info/ Object to the proposal for Parkhall It makes no sense to involve Parkhall What would happen if there was no school here? Be positive about Parkhall Primary School

7 Positive About School The positive caring attitude in school As a smaller school every child is known and valued, in a much larger school this may not happen We provide your children with a high quality challenging education, meeting their needs and developing them as learners The need for a local school in Parkhall Community If school site abandoned what would happen to the space in the community Over the last few years I consider that we as a school have grown and developed in the following ways:

8 Positive About School Pupil of the Week – Rewarding Good Effort and learning Good to Be Green – Positive Behaviour Plan School Council – Giving children their voice Eco Committee – Involving children in responsible environmental behaviour Healthy Schools – Gold Prize winners – best in NEELB Key Stage Two Production – Peter Pan

9 Good Opportunities School Council Eco Committee School Choir Football Club Netball Club HeartStart Needle Craft Club Dissolving Boundaries Story Sacks Year one Homework Club Cycling Proficiency Computer Club Art Club Scripture Union Barnardos Ready to Learn After Schools Club

10 Extended Schools Art Club Drumming Boot Camp Puzzle Day Literacy and Numeracy Support Cooking Positive Play Pupil Counselling Activity Saturdays After Schools Club

11 Charity Work Poppy Day Appeal Harvest Appeal Children in Need Movember Cedar Foundation at Christmas Sports Relief or Comic Relief Action Cancer at Easter Local Charities in the Summer Term

12 Involving Parents Back to School Booklet October Interviews Parents’ Pack February Interviews Curriculum Link Letters Facebook Page Regular Newsletters Available for discussions

13 One Voice Governors Staff Friends of Parkhall Community Parents Pupils Same message – Leave Parkhall

14 What they want It’s about … taking account of the views of stakeholders; informed decisions; the quality of the argument.

15 Next Step Principals and chairs of governors meeting today Complete consultation Further meeting end of May start of June Updates by note and Facebook page

16 Any Comments or Questions

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