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Journalism, Government and Source Relations Seminar Presentation | JN500.

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Presentation on theme: "Journalism, Government and Source Relations Seminar Presentation | JN500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journalism, Government and Source Relations Seminar Presentation | JN500

2 Seminar Outline Expansion of Public Relations Politics and Journalism Case Study: Hutton Report

3 Seminar Questions Who is winning the war between Fleet Street and Downing Street? Is it a fair battle to be fought?

4 Expansion of Public Relations “We [will continue] to have this artificially wide gulf where journalists pose as fearless seekers of truth and PRs are slimy creatures trying to put one over us. It’s not remotely like that.” John Lloyd, FT Journalist

5 Expansion of Public Relations PR industry was valued at £7.5 billion in 2014 Politics contributes to a fifth of PR-generated copy

6 Politics and Journalism “Many journalists stayed in lobby for 20 years or more, barely distinguishable from long-time MPs, and operating both in competition with each other and as colleagues chasing the same source.” Collin Seymour-Ure

7 Bernard Ingham Thatcher on her chief Press Secretary: “Prime ministers need not only a Willie [Whitelaw – senior adviser in Thatcher’s cabinet] but also a Bernard.”

8 Hutton Report Case Study “From the first, there seemed to be a tendency to browbeat and cajole journalists, to fight for every comma and exclamation mark in every headline, contest every quote, challenge every piece of analysis.” Andrew Marr, on the beginning of the Blair administration

9 Alastair Campbell Press Secretary (1997-2000) and Director of Communications and Strategy (2000-2003)

10 Hutton Report Spin Doctoring The Milbank Model -Strong central control and co-ordination -Setting the agenda -Rapid and robust response -Employment of political journalists

11 BBC and the Aftermath (

12 BBC and the Aftermath “It is up to BBC journalists to make sure they are not going to be cowed or frightened by the extraordinary events.” Andrew Marr Resulted in the resignations of the chairman Gavyn Davies, Greg Dyke the director general and reporter Andrew Gilligan.

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