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Important images from Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13 The following may be questions on the test Slides 1,2,3,11,12,13,14.

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Presentation on theme: "Important images from Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13 The following may be questions on the test Slides 1,2,3,11,12,13,14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Important images from Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13 The following may be questions on the test Slides 1,2,3,11,12,13,14

2 White areas represent sequences of rocks That are separated by large- scale unconformities shown in brown Cratonic Sequences of N. America Cordillera orogenies Appalachia orogenies

3 – Observe the time transgressive nature of the three formations Cambrian Transgression


5 Arrangement of fin bones for (a) a typical ray-finned fish (b) a lobe-finned fish – Muscles extend into the fin – allowing greater flexibility Ray-Finned and Lobe-Finned Fish

6 This “fishapod” has characteristics of both fish and tetrapods – It has gills and fish scales – but also a broad skull, eyes on top of its head, flexible neck and large ribcage – that could support its body on land or shallow water, and the beginning of a true tetapod forelimb Tiktaalik roseae

7 Diagram illustrating how Tiktaalik roseae is a transitional species between lobe-finned fish and tetrapods Tiktaalik roseae

8 The amnion cavity – surrounds the embryo. The yolk sac – provides the food source while the allantois – serves as a waste sac The evolution of the amniote egg freed reptiles – to inhabit all parts of the land Amniote Egg

9 In this way the emerging reptile is – in essence a miniature adult, – bypassing the need for a larval stage in the water The evolution of the amniote egg allowed vertebrates – to colonize all parts of the land – because they no longer had to return – to the water as part of their reproductive cycle SUCCESS of reptiles is partly because – of their advanced method of reproduction – and their more advanced jaws and teeth, as well as their ability to move rapidly on land Colonization of All Parts of the Land

10 Cladogram showing dinosaur relationships – showing pelvises of ornithischians and saurischians – Among the several subgroups of dinosaurs Dinosaur Cladogram theropods were carnivores and all others were herbivores

11 Fossil succession shows :

12 Paleogeography of North America during the Pennsylvanian Period Pennsylvanian Period

13 For the Late Permian Period Paleogeography of the World

14 Diversity for marine invertebrate and vertebrate families Phanerozoic Diversity –3 episodes of Paleozoic mass extinctions are visible –with the greatest occurring at the end of the Permian Period

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