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Unit 4 – Geologic History Review

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1 Unit 4 – Geologic History Review
Regents Earth Science Miss Wojdan

2 The presence of coal in Antarctica indicates that
Forests can grow on continental glaciers Coal can form in cold climates Antarctica’s climate was once warmer Antarctica currently has areas of tropical climate

3 The presence of coal in Antarctica indicates that
Forests can grow on continental glaciers Coal can form in cold climates Antarctica’s climate was once warmer Antarctica currently has areas of tropical climate

4 2. What evidence suggests that a mass extinction of the dinosaurs occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period? A. An absence of dinosaur fossils in Paleocene bedrock B. Drawings of dinosaurs made by humans in caves during the Paleocene Epoch An abundance of dinosaur fossils in Early Cretaceous bedrock Evolution of dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous Epoch

5 2. What evidence suggests that a mass extinction of the dinosaurs occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period? A. An absence of dinosaur fossils in Paleocene bedrock B. Drawings of dinosaurs made by humans in caves during the Paleocene Epoch An abundance of dinosaur fossils in Early Cretaceous bedrock Evolution of dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous Epoch

6 3. Evidence indicates that 251 million years ago a mass extinction of many life-forms occurred on Earth. Which form of life became extinct at this time? Trilobites Dinosaurs Mammoths Eurypterids

7 3. Evidence indicates that 251 million years ago a mass extinction of many life-forms occurred on Earth. Which form of life became extinct at this time? Trilobites Dinosaurs Mammoths Eurypterids

8 4. Thin layers of volcanic ash act as excellent time markers in the correlation of bedrock because volcanic ash A. Is easily eroded and lasts only for a short time on Earth’s surface B. Stays in the atmosphere for millions of years Is deposited over millions of years Falls to Earth over a large area in a short period of time

9 4. Thin layers of volcanic ash act as excellent time markers in the correlation of bedrock because volcanic ash A. Is easily eroded and lasts only for a short time on Earth’s surface B. Stays in the atmosphere for millions of years Is deposited over millions of years Falls to Earth over a large area in a short period of time

10 5. How much of an 800-gram sample of potassium-40 will remain after 3
5. How much of an 800-gram sample of potassium-40 will remain after 3.9 × 109 years of radioactive decay? 50 grams 100 grams 200 grams 400 grams

11 5. How much of an 800-gram sample of potassium-40 will remain after 3
5. How much of an 800-gram sample of potassium-40 will remain after 3.9 × 109 years of radioactive decay? 50 grams 100 grams 200 grams 400 grams

12 6. Which number best represents when humans are inferred to have first appeared on Earth?
1 2 3 4

13 6. Which number best represents when humans are inferred to have first appeared on Earth?
1 2 3 4

14 7. The index fossil shown below has been found in New York State sedimentary bedrock. What other index fossil could also be found in New York State bedrock of the same age? A. B. C. D.

15 7. The index fossil shown below has been found in New York State sedimentary bedrock. What other index fossil could also be found in New York State bedrock of the same age? A. B. C. D.

16 8. Which fossil sequence is in order from oldest to youngest?
A B. C. D.

17 8. Which fossil sequence is in order from oldest to youngest?
A B. C. D.

18 A. Trilobites and Nautiloids B. Corals and Vascular Plants
9. Which two types of organisms both survived the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the Permian Period? A. Trilobites and Nautiloids B. Corals and Vascular Plants C. Placoderm Fish and Graptolites D. Gastropods and Eurypterids

19 A. Trilobites and Nautiloids B. Corals and Vascular Plants
9. Which two types of organisms both survived the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the Permian Period? A. Trilobites and Nautiloids B. Corals and Vascular Plants C. Placoderm Fish and Graptolites D. Gastropods and Eurypterids

20 Extinction of dinosaurs Initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean
10. The map below shows the location of Chicxulub Crater created 65.5 million years ago by an asteroid impact. This impact occurred at the same time as the Extinction of dinosaurs Initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean Formation of the Catskill Delta Evolution of the first mammals

21 Extinction of dinosaurs Initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean
10. The map below shows the location of Chicxulub Crater created 65.5 million years ago by an asteroid impact. This impact occurred at the same time as the Extinction of dinosaurs Initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean Formation of the Catskill Delta Evolution of the first mammals

22 11. What is the amount of Carbon-14 remaining after 28,500 years. A
11. What is the amount of Carbon-14 remaining after 28,500 years? A. 1/16 g B. 15/16 g C. 1/32 g D. 31/32 g

23 11. What is the amount of Carbon-14 remaining after 28,500 years. A
11. What is the amount of Carbon-14 remaining after 28,500 years? A. 1/16 g B. 15/16 g C. 1/32 g D. 31/32 g

24 12. If the original mass of a radioactive isotope was 24 grams, how many grams would remain after 3 half-lives? A. 12 g B. 24 g C. 3 g D. 6 g

25 12. If the original mass of a radioactive isotope was 24 grams, how many grams would remain after 3 half-lives? A. 12 g B. 24 g C. 3 g D. 6 g

26 Soft-bodied organisms  Fish  Amphibians  Mammals
13. According to the fossil record, which sequence correctly represents the evolution of life on Earth? Fish  Amphibians  Mammals  Soft- bodied organisms Fish  Soft-bodied organisms  Mammals  Amphibians Soft-bodied organisms  Amphibians  Fish  Mammals Soft-bodied organisms  Fish  Amphibians  Mammals

27 Soft-bodied organisms  Fish  Amphibians  Mammals
13. According to the fossil record, which sequence correctly represents the evolution of life on Earth? Fish  Amphibians  Mammals  Soft- bodied organisms Fish  Soft-bodied organisms  Mammals  Amphibians Soft-bodied organisms  Amphibians  Fish  Mammals Soft-bodied organisms  Fish  Amphibians  Mammals

28 14. Which letter indicates when dinosaurs became extinct. A. A B. B C
14. Which letter indicates when dinosaurs became extinct? A. A B. B C. C D. D

29 14. Which letter indicates when dinosaurs became extinct. A. A B. B C
14. Which letter indicates when dinosaurs became extinct? A. A B. B C. C D. D

30 15. How old is a fossil that has radioactively decayed through 4 half-lives of Carbon-14?
5,700 years 17,100 years 22,800 years 28,500 years

31 15. How old is a fossil that has radioactively decayed through 4 half-lives of Carbon-14?
5,700 years 17,100 years 22,800 years 28,500 years

32 16. An igneous rock contains 10 grams of radioactive Potassium-40 and a total of 10 grams of its decay products. During which geologic time interval was this rock most likely formed? Middle Archean Late Archean Middle Proterozoic Late Proterozoic

33 16. An igneous rock contains 10 grams of radioactive Potassium-40 and a total of 10 grams of its decay products. During which geologic time interval was this rock most likely formed? Middle Archean Late Archean Middle Proterozoic Late Proterozoic

34 17. Which geologic event occurred in New York State at approximately the same time that eurypterids first appeared? The opening of the Atlantic Ocean The formation of the Queenston Delta The uplift of the Appalachian Mountains The intrusion of the Palisades Sill

35 17. Which geologic event occurred in New York State at approximately the same time that eurypterids first appeared? The opening of the Atlantic Ocean The formation of the Queenston Delta The uplift of the Appalachian Mountains The intrusion of the Palisades Sill

36 18. Evidence best indicates that rock layers 4 and 8 were deposited during the same geologic period because both layers Contain the same index fossil Are found in the same area Are composed of glacial sediments Contain fossils of the same age

37 18. Evidence best indicates that rock layers 4 and 8 were deposited during the same geologic period because both layers Contain the same index fossil Are found in the same area Are composed of glacial sediments Contain fossils of the same age

38 19. Which diagram best represents the percentage of this radioactive isotope sample that will remain after 2 half-lives? A. B. C. D.

39 19. Which diagram best represents the percentage of this radioactive isotope sample that will remain after 2 half-lives? A. B. C. D.

40 20. Which event occurred most recently?
Formation of layer A Formation of layer D Tilting of all 4 sedimentary rock layers Erosion of the igneous rock at the surface

41 20. Which event occurred most recently?
Formation of layer A Formation of layer D Tilting of all 4 sedimentary rock layers Erosion of the igneous rock at the surface

42 21. Which index fossil may be found in the surface bedrock near Ithaca, New York? A. B. C. D.

43 21. Which index fossil may be found in the surface bedrock near Ithaca, New York? A. B. C. D.

44 22. A whale bone that originally contained 200 grams of radioactive Carbon-14 now contains 25 grams of Carbon-14. How many Carbon-14 half-lives have passed since this whale was alive? 1 half-life 2 half-lives 3 half-lives 4 half-lives

45 22. A whale bone that originally contained 200 grams of radioactive Carbon-14 now contains 25 grams of Carbon-14. How many Carbon-14 half-lives have passed since this whale was alive? 1 half-life 2 half-lives 3 half-lives 4 half-lives

46 23. According to the graph, what is the half-life of this isotope?
100 years 150 years 200 years 300 years

47 23. According to the graph, what is the half-life of this isotope?
100 years 150 years 200 years 300 years

48 24. Which pie graph best represents the percentage of total time for the four major divisions of geologic time? A. B. C. D.

49 24. Which pie graph best represents the percentage of total time for the four major divisions of geologic time? A. B. C. D.

50 25. The presence of which index fossil in the surface bedrock most likely indicates that a forest environment once existed in the region? Aneurophyton Cystiphyllum Centroceras Bothriolepis

51 25. The presence of which index fossil in the surface bedrock most likely indicates that a forest environment once existed in the region? Aneurophyton Cystiphyllum Centroceras Bothriolepis

52 26. Which two letters represent bedrock of the same age?
A and E B and D F and G D and H

53 26. Which two letters represent bedrock of the same age?
A and E B and D F and G D and H

54 27. The folding of rock layers G through C was most likely caused by
Erosion of overlying sediments Contact metamorphism The collision of lithospheric plates The extrusion of igneous rock

55 27. The folding of rock layers G through C was most likely caused by
Erosion of overlying sediments Contact metamorphism The collision of lithospheric plates The extrusion of igneous rock

56 28. Analysis of a basalt rock sample shows that 25% of its radioactive K-40 remained undecayed. How old is the basalt? 1.3 billion years 2.6 billion years 3.9 billion years 4.6 billion years

57 28. Analysis of a basalt rock sample shows that 25% of its radioactive K-40 remained undecayed. How old is the basalt? 1.3 billion years 2.6 billion years 3.9 billion years 4.6 billion years

58 29. Fossils of trilobites, graptolites, and eurypterids are found in the same bedrock layer in New York State. During which geologic time interval could this bedrock layer have formed? Late Ordovician to Late Pennsylvanian Late Silurian to Early Cretaceous Early Permian to Late Jurassic Early Cambrian to Middle Ordovician

59 29. Fossils of trilobites, graptolites, and eurypterids are found in the same bedrock layer in New York State. During which geologic time interval could this bedrock layer have formed? Late Ordovician to Late Pennsylvanian Late Silurian to Early Cretaceous Early Permian to Late Jurassic Early Cambrian to Middle Ordovician

60 30. Earth’s early atmosphere formed during the Early Archean Era
30. Earth’s early atmosphere formed during the Early Archean Era. Which gas was generally absent from the atmosphere at that time? Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen

61 30. Earth’s early atmosphere formed during the Early Archean Era
30. Earth’s early atmosphere formed during the Early Archean Era. Which gas was generally absent from the atmosphere at that time? Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen

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