Becoming the Archetype

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming the Archetype"— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming the Archetype
Archetypes In American Literature

2 What the heck is an Archetype?
The word archetype comes form the Greek root words arche – meaning original, and typos – meaning form or model. Soooo…an archetype is the first real example or of prototype of something. In literature, archetypes are repeated patterns or elements that recur across literature and life.

3 Examples of archetypes…
Characters Hero The main character goes on a journey and performs deeds that will bring honor to his people.

4 Examples of archetypes…
Mother Figure Comforts and directs child, especially when he or she is confused and needs guidance. Represents powers that can be called on for help when it is needed. Helps young person to solve own problems . Earth Mother Stepmother

5 Examples of archetypes…
The Great Teacher/Mentor Wise old man/woman—protects or helps main character when he or she faces challenges.

6 Examples of archetypes…
The Innocent Child/Youth Inexperienced adult

7 Examples of archetypes…
The Underdog Someone that is expected to lose a contest or struggle

8 Examples of archetypes…
The Double Split personality—the other side of an individual

9 Example of archetypes…
Helping Animals Animals who help another character, usually the hero.

10 Examples of archetypes…
The Sacrificial Redeemer The protagonist is willing to die for his or her beliefs; the main character maintains a strong sense of morality.

11 Examples of archetypes…
The Villain The principal opponent of the main character or hero.

12 Examples of archetypes…
The Trickster A mischievous or roguish figure, often an animal, who typically makes up for physical weakness with cunning and subversive humor.

13 Examples of archetypes…
The Evil Figure A wicked or evil person; a scoundrel.

14 Examples of archetypes…
Settings Garden Cultivated and carefully planned. Restricted to certain vegetation.

15 Examples of archetypes…
The Forest Habitat of the Great Mother (Mother Nature), the lunar force. Fertility. The vegetation and animals flourish in this “green world” because of the sustaining power of the Great Mother.

16 Examples of archetypes…
Tree Represents life and knowledge

17 Examples of archetypes…
Mountains Places to gain great insight.

18 Examples of archetypes…
The River May represent human life or time passing as we follow the river from its source to its mouth.

19 Examples of archetypes…
The Sea Vast, alien, dangerous, chaos. Waves may symbolize measures of time and represent eternity or infinity.

20 Examples of archetypes…
The Fountain Stands for purification; the sprinkling of water (baptism) washes away sin. Water of fountain gives new life.

21 Examples of archetypes…
Actions and Events The Journey The protagonist takes a journey, usually physical but sometimes emotional, during which he or she learns something about himself or herself or finds meaning in his or her life as well as acceptance in a community.

22 Examples of archetypes…
Coming of Age The protagonist undergoes adventures and/or inner turmoil in his/her growth and development as a human being.

23 Examples of archetypes…
Test or Trial In the transition from one stage of life to another, the main character experiences a rite of passage through growth and change; he or she experiences a transformation.

24 Examples of archetypes…
Birth/Death and Rebirth Through pain and suffering the character overcomes feelings of despair, and through a process of self-realization is reborn.

25 Examples of archetypes…
The Fall The main character is expelled because of an unacceptable action on his or her part.

26 Examples of archetypes…
Annihilation/Absurdity/Total Oblivion In order to exist in an intolerable world, the main character accepts that life is absurd, ridiculous, and ironic.

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