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Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Lesser Deuterostome Phyla and Phylum Chordata(through agnathans)

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2 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Lesser Deuterostome Phyla and Phylum Chordata(through agnathans)

3 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Chaetognatha ChaetognathaPhylum: ChaetognathaChaetognatha Hemichordata HemichordataPhylum: HemichordataHemichordata Chordata ChordataPhylum: ChordataChordata Urochordata Urochordata  Subphylum: UrochordataUrochordata Cephalochordata Cephalochordata  Subphylum: CephalochordataCephalochordata  Subphylum: Vertebrata (Craniata) Vertebrata Superclass AgnathaSuperclass Agnatha  Class: Myxini Myxini  Class: Cephalaspidomorphi Cephalaspidomorphi

4 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Phylum Chaetognatha Arrow worms  Stratified skin along sides of body.

5 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Phylum Hemichordata Acorn worm  Proboscis, collar and trunk  Like Chordata Gill slits and a hollow, dorsal nerve chord Have stomochord rather than a notochord  Like Echinodermata Tornaria larva resembles bipinnaria larva of echinoderms. Coelomic pouches Nerve plexus

6 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Phylum Chordata Notochord Dorsal tubular nerve cord Pharyngeal gill slits (pouches) Post anal tail Ventral heart Urochordata Cephalochordata Vertebrata

7 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Subphylum Urochordata Tunicates (sea squirts)  Larva has all chordate characteristics  Adult sessile, encased in tunic  Ventral heart with a large vessel on each side. Heart pumps blood through one vessel—, stops, then pumps blood through other vessel.  Endostyle present Chordata

8 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Subphylum Cephalochordata Branchiostoma -the lancelets or Amphioxus  Retain all the chordate characteristics throughout life.  Shows the basic diagnostic chordate characteristics very clearly.  Also possesses several features that suggest the vertebrate plan  Endostyle present Chordata

9 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Subphylum Vertebrata Chordate characteristics present at some stage of life cycle. Integumentary - with stratified epidermis and an inner dermis present. Skeletal -Notochord at least partly replaced by vertebrae. A cranium present. Nervous- 10 to 12 pairs of cranial nerves Excretory - vertebrate kidney (at least mesonephric in adults) Chordata Myxini Cephalaspidomorphi

10 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Class: Myxini Hagfishes  Naked skin containing slime glands  No paired appendages  No jaws  Notochord and other chordate characters persistent  Systems Systems  Representative pictures Representative pictures Representative pictures Vertebrata

11 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Myxini systems  Systems CirculatoryCirculatory - Two chambered heart with aortic arches in gill region have accessory hearts in caudal region. ExcretoryExcretory - pronephric with independent mesonephric kidney posteriorly, isosmotic to sea water. RespiratoryRespiratory - 5 to 16 pairs of gills (one pair or more gill openings) DigestiveDigestive -complete, with no jaws or stomach present NervousNervous- they have 10 pair of cranial nerves, no cerebellum. Dorsal and ventral nerve roots united. IntegumentaryIntegumentary- No scales, skin with slime glands SkeletalSkeletal - cartilaginous with persistent notochord. ReproductiveReproductive - both male and female gonads found in some animals, but one one gonad is functional. No larval stage. Life cycle largely unknown EndocrineEndocrine - pineal gland present, there are islets of pancreas cells around the bile duct MuscleMuscle - myomeres alternate Myxini

12 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Myxini representatives Ventral viewLateral view Myxini

13 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Class: Cephalaspidomorphi Lampreys  Slender eel-like body without scales  No paired appendages  Cartilaginous skeleton, notochord persistent  No jaws—Sucker-like oral disc, has teeth and tongue.  Ammocoete larvae  Systems Systems  Representative pictures Representative pictures Representative pictures Vertebrata

14 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Lamprey Systems IntegumentaryIntegumentary- No scales, stratified skin SkeletalSkeletal- Cartilaginous, notochord persistent, no paired appendages. CirculatoryCirculatory- Two chambered heart, aortic arches in gill region. RespiratoryRespiratory - seven pairs of gills each with and external opening. ExcretoryExcretory- Mesonephric kidney, hypotonic sea water, have to osmotically and ionic regulate. NervousNervous- 10 pairs of cranial nerves, dorsal and ventral nerve roots separated, small cerebellum present. EndocrineEndocrine- pineal structure, pituitary body present, endostyle present in larvae is thyroid gland present in adult. MuscleMuscle - short segmental muscles as in other fishes Digestive-Digestive- complete, no stomach, liver does not have a bile duct, pancreas cluster of cells near liver. ReproductiveReproductive - dioecious, larvae= Ammocoete, look much like amphioxus, are freshwater filter feeders. Cephalaspidomorphi

15 Contents Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Cephalaspidomorphi examples Ammocoete larvae Juvenal lampreys Adult lamprey mouth with tongue and teeth Adult lamprey - lateral view Cephalaspidomorphi

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