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 Uses computer-generated virtual shopping mall environment - think “Sims” in a 3D shopping centre  Gaming animation and advanced gaming platforms for.

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2  Uses computer-generated virtual shopping mall environment - think “Sims” in a 3D shopping centre  Gaming animation and advanced gaming platforms for business and commercial use on the internet  Uses avatars and simulation models  Allows users to buy and shop on their computer without having to leave home › No waiting in lines › Can interact with other consumers and employees online › Can sample a variety of virtual model products Retrieved from

3  Customers use video of themselves on a monitor/TV to enhance the shopping experience “very realistic” in HD › Uses virtual models with the use of Tele-Presence in order to try on 3D models of clothes  Enables quick changing of outfits with the use of hand gestures › Fast processing of payment from integration using a handheld device Retrieved from overview.html

4  Benefits for the retailer? › Data collection of customer information for customer loyalty programs and recommendations for products › Buying trends and patterns can be tracked › Information quickly stored from customer input into a database for later decision-making › Reduces need for staff on floor › Can reach a broader audience than just a brick and mortar store  Benefits for the shopper? › Can shop at home without having to go to a shopping centre › Security at home › Saves the shopper time from having to physically go to the stores to try out products

5  Benefits for the retailer? › Can show more variety of 3D models and products on screen than on the shop’s floor › Less time for employees to restock after customers try on clothes  Benefits for the shopper? › Virtually trying on clothes without the time and effort involved › Avoids waiting in line for dressing rooms and check out › More variety of products to choose from

6  3D Technology makes it easier to try out new products from your home › But it is similar to watching a demonstration of the product on youtube  Tele-presence technology allows you to effortlessly try on products and see how they look on you › If Tele-presence technology is high quality, it aids in basic online shopping and minimizes the need for product returns

7  Future Changes for Tele-Presence Technology: › improving the quality of the technology to make products more realistic › Making it more wide-spread & available  Will these technologies grow or disappear? › 3D virtual technology will probably disappear because it seems pointless › Tele-presence technology will grow to an extent that HD video is more widely used and product imagery improves

8 3D Virtual Technology Video Tele-Presence Retail shopping

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