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From Birth to Aging: Molding the Future Of OT Practice.

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1 From Birth to Aging: Molding the Future Of OT Practice


3 LANNY BUTLER, MS, OTRL YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT DEMENTIA.  He spoke about the 7 stages of dementia  Underestimating the abilities of a person  The persons residual memory  Explored how we view the word Dementia

4  Advantage Mobility Outfitters  Ambucs/Amtryke  Encore Rehabilitation Services  HCR Manor Care  Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital  Saebo, Inc.  Staffing Options & Solutions, Inc.  St. John Providence Health System  University of Michigan Medical Center Brachial Plexus Palsy Program

5 BREAK-OUT SESSION THE OTA STUDENTS VISITED  Edema/Lymphedema Basics  Life is Not a Dry Run: Creating a Dynamic OT Practice  Neuromusicology & Combat Induced Traumatic Brain Injury  A Comparison of iPad and Android Apps for OT Utilization  Pediatric Splinting: Basics and Beyond for all Conditions  Promoting Health Management & ADL Independence Following LVAD Implantation  Service Learning in Homeless Shelters  You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know About Dementia PART 2  AARP HomeFit: Improving HomeFit in Michigan Downsizing Households in Late Life: Refashioning One’s Place in Time  I enjoyed going to the conference, it was informative. The one I enjoyed the most was on dementia. –Valerie Doebler  The conference had a lot to offer by means of exposure to different treatment strategies and areas that OTA’s can practice. I liked the session on Lymphedema presented by the team from U of M Hospital, particularly in the application to post radiation cancer patients. Oncology was an area that I had little understanding of the role of OT, and this was exciting to know becoming skilled in this area would be so beneficial to this demographic of client. – Amie Hayes

6  The conference left me with a great deal of knowledge on dementia and wonderful ideas on how to treat the disease. The community service session for the homeless shelters touched my heart and I will be looking into ways of helping in my community. –Patricia Madding  The conference was a great experience I was able to interact with professionals in the field. The knowledge that I received was very informative and gave me a deeper understanding of the field of OT. - Mark Solomon  The conference was a wonderful experience. I was delighted to be able to participate. The information and hands on activities were very helpful to me as a student and a future COTA! -Joyce Wetzel  The conference was a great experience. I learned so much, from every seminar I attended the most beneficial one was the keynote speaker on dementia. I truly enjoyed it.-Megan Young

7  I had an awesome time at the conference. I went to the I-Pad meeting it showed how that technology could be help all ages and diagnosis, it was very educational. –Deb Henry  Very impressive! Well organized and very informative. The sessions I attended increased my knowledge and were worthwhile. – Dana Salter  I found out that there are so many opportunities for OTA’s in the work force, we can find a place or make our own nitch. There are jobs for traveling therapist and we can work with all populations. This experience has helped me network with other therapist OT’s and COTA’s. –Amanda Mitchell

8  Parental Observations of Pain Processing in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder  Piloting the Use of Family Quality of Life Survey for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia  Parents’ Perceptions of the Influence of Hippotherapy on Children’s Quality of Life, et al  Accessibility of Occupational Therapy Services for the Rural Elderly in Northern Michigan  Improving Participant Function through a Home- Based Modified Constraint- Induced Movement Therapy Program  Applying Principles of ―Best Practice to the Program Development Process  The Effects of the Nintendo Wii on Balance and Gait of Persons with MS



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