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TAHUNA TOREA RESERVE – a home for the Pukeko aka The Swamp Hen. Could you survive a day in the life of a Pukeko?

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Presentation on theme: "TAHUNA TOREA RESERVE – a home for the Pukeko aka The Swamp Hen. Could you survive a day in the life of a Pukeko?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TAHUNA TOREA RESERVE – a home for the Pukeko aka The Swamp Hen. Could you survive a day in the life of a Pukeko?

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4142 43 44 4546 4748 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 79 78 82 77 81 80 83 84 85 86 FINISH

3 You have stopped to swallow the red grit found on the roadside. Roll the dice! 1-3 = You are hit by a car and have died. Return to the start. 4-6 = The car narrowly misses you! The grit helps you digest your food and you get +3 Health Points. Back to the Game

4 You have stopped to swallow the red grit found on the roadside. Roll the dice! 1-3 = You are hit by a car and have died. Return to the start. 4-6 = The car narrowly misses you! The grit helps you digest your food and you get +3 Health Points. Back to the Game

5 Roll the dice! 1-2 = You come across a tasty meal of slugs and you get +3 Health Points. 3-4 = You come across a tasty meal of potatoes and you get +1 Health Point. 5-6 = You are surprised by a cat and are scratched as you escape – take -1 Health Points away. Back to the Game

6 Roll the dice! 1-5 = You are find lots of caterpillars and you get +2 Health Points. 6 = You didn’t find the caterpillars. Back to the Game

7 You are ambushed by a cat! Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-2 = You run away, but the cat catches you and you become dinner. Return to the start. 3-4 = You squawk loudly, scare the cat away, but you get scratched – therefore -1 Health Point. 5-6 = You squawk loudly and madly flap your wings - scare the cat away and you survive the attack without injury. Back to the Game

8 A car speeds down the road at the very moment that you are crossing it. Roll the dice! 1-4 = You are hit by a car and have died. Return to the start. 5-6 = The car narrowly misses you! You survive. Back to the Game

9 A friendly person finds you and releases you at square 46. Back to the Game

10 You are ambushed by a stoat! Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-4 = The stoat kills you and you become dinner. Return to the start. 5 = You squawk loudly, scare the stoat away, but you get bitten – therefore -1 Health Point. 6 = You squawk loudly and madly flap your wings - scare the stoat away and you survive the attack without injury. Back to the Game

11 Roll the dice! 1-2 = You come across a tasty meal of 3 crickets and you get +3 Health Points. 3-4 = You come across a tasty meal of 4 crickets and you get +4 Health Points. 5-6 = You come across a tasty meal of 5 crickets and you get +5 Health Points. Back to the Game

12 DANGER Harriers above! Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-2 = It didn’t see you and you survive. 3-4 = It swoops down and eats you. Return to the start. 5-6 = You fly away just before the harrier reaches you – but you fly straight into a tree. Back to the Game

13 You are ambushed by a ferrel cat! Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-3 = The cat kills you and you become dinner. Return to the start. 4 = You squawk loudly, scare the cat away, but you get severely scratched– therefore -3 Health Point. 5 = You squawk loudly and madly flap your wings - scare the cat away and you survive with minor scratches – therefore -2 Health Points. 6 = You squawk loudly and madly flap your wings - scare the cat away and you survive without injury. Back to the Game

14 You come across lots of small caterpillars. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of caterpillars you eat with +1 Health Points for each caterpillar eaten. Back to the Game

15 You are now deep into the woodland – which is not your natural environment. Roll the dice! 1 – 3 = You lose your bearings and go back to Square 21. 4 – 6 = You see a clearing ahead and advance to Square 31. Back to the Game

16 You are now far onto the sandbank– which is not your natural environment. You decide to fly to safety - Roll the dice! 1 – 3 = Fly to Square 35. 4 – 6 = Fly to Square 35, but land badly and suffer -2 Health Points. Back to the Game

17 You come across lots of small caterpillars. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of caterpillars you eat with +1 Health Points for each caterpillar eaten. Back to the Game

18 You come across lots of small caterpillars. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of caterpillars you eat with +1 Health Points for each caterpillar eaten. Back to the Game

19 You come across lots of reed and rush shoots. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of shoots you eat with +0.5 Health Points for each shoot eaten. Back to the Game

20 You are attacked by a stoat. If the square is also occupied by other Pukekos – then you work together to scare the stoat away. If not then roll the dice! 1 – 5 = The number you rolled equals the amount of damage suffered by you in the attack. 6 = You are killed and return to the start. Back to the Game

21 Your feet become entangled in discarded fishing line. Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-2 = You cannot escape and starve to death. Return to the start. 3-4 = A kindly person untangles your feet – but in leaves you with cuts that become infected, therefore –5 Health Points. 5-6 = You untangle yourself and escape. Back to the Game

22 DANGER Harriers above! Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-2 = It didn’t see you and you survive. 3-4 = It swoops but misses you. You quickly run into the foliage for cover. 5-6 = It swoops down and eats you. Return to the start. Back to the Game

23 You come across a lake. Roll the dice! 1 – 5 = You swim to safety to Square 54. 6 = You fly to safety to Square 71. Back to the Game

24 You come across lots of reed and rush shoots. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of shoots you eat with +0.5 Health Points for each shoot eaten. Back to the Game

25 You meet an amorous Pukeko of the opposite sex. Roll the dice! 1 - 3 = It is the mating season and you raise a family. Stay here for 3 turns. 4 – 6 = It is not the mating season – so take an extra turn. Back to the Game

26 You meet a hunter who is out to shoot Pukekos. Roll the dice! 1 = It is out of season for Pukekos. The hunter is arrested by MAF officials. 2-3 = You are wounded and suffer -1 Health Point for each number rolled. 4-5 = He is a bad shot and completely misses you. 6 = You are dinner – Go back to the start! Back to the Game

27 You come across lots of snails. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of snails you eat with +2 Health Points for each snails eaten. Back to the Game

28 DANGER Harriers above! Roll the dice to see what you did! 1-2 = It didn’t see you and you survive. 3-4 = It swoops but misses you. You quickly run into the foliage for cover. 5-6 = It swoops down and eats you. Return to the start. Back to the Game

29 You come across lots of reed and rush shoots. Roll the dice and the number you roll equals the number of shoots you eat with +0.5 Health Points for each shoot eaten. Back to the Game

30 You are attacked by a stoat. If the square is also occupied by other Pukekos – then you work together to scare the stoat away. If not then roll the dice! 1 – 5 = The number you rolled equals the amount of damage suffered by you in the attack. 6 = You are killed and return to the start. Back to the Game

31 Roll the dice! 1 – 3 = Fly to Square 76. 4 - 6 = Swim to Square 74. Back to the Game

32 You find a duck’s nest with eggs. Roll the dice as each egg provides 2 Health Points and the number rolled indicates the number of eggs that the nest contains! Back to the Game

33 As a non-breeding Pukeko – you have to do some ‘chick’ sitting duties – miss 3 turns whilst you look after the young! Back to the Game

34 Bird watchers have left food on the pathway to hold your attention, whilst they photocopy you. Have +2 Health Points due to the food provided – but miss 2 turns whilst you eat it! Back to the Game

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