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Comparison the Prehistoric vs. Historic Indians of Ohio Paleo Indians Archaic Indians Woodland Indians Late Pre-Historic Indians Historic Indians.

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2 Comparison the Prehistoric vs. Historic Indians of Ohio Paleo Indians Archaic Indians Woodland Indians Late Pre-Historic Indians Historic Indians

3 Paleo Indians Fish, nuts and berries, and meat Cave dwellers, and lived by water Spear points made from flint Fishing, hunting, and gathering nuts and berries

4 Archaic Indians Vegetables grown from crops Settle by season and lived by water Jewelry and tools Traded with other tribes and grew crops

5 Woodland Indians Vegetables Lived by water and had single family huts Mounds, and bow and arrow Ceremonies-burial, planted plants from seeds, and traded with distant groups

6 Late Pre-Historic Indians Corn, beans, and squash Larger villages, many family huts, and lived near water Circular and animal shaped mounds Depended on farming

7 Historic Indians Meat Wigwams, and lived by water Moccasins from deer skin, jewelry from bones and stones and spear points from flint Written records, deer fat as lotion to keep bugs away, respected the land, and wampum as money

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