Hermantown High School Student Bulletin Home of the Hawks Thursday, September 4, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermantown High School Student Bulletin Home of the Hawks Thursday, September 4, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermantown High School Student Bulletin Home of the Hawks Thursday, September 4, 2014

2 Thursday Lunch Menu Main Menu ▪ Nachos El Grande Hawks Choice ▪ Bacon Cheeseburger ▪ French Bread Pizza Salads and wraps available daily.

3 Freshman Meeting There will be a short meeting in the auditorium Friday at 8:45am for ALL freshman!

4 Forms are due this Friday, September 5 th ! Please turn in your forms that were handed out on the first day of school to the main office.  Insurance forms  Health Information forms  Census Verification forms  Video/Photo permission slips

5 Picture Day Tuesday, September 16 th Tuesday, September 16, 2014 – it’s all about you! Portraits by Lifetouch are here, so mark the date and get ready to show your style. Whether your look is high fashion or casual cool – this is your chance to share with friends and remember the great year you’ve had. Order forms will be sent home on or before September 11 th.

6 Senior News ▪ Senior Class picnic money due Friday, September 26th ▪ Senior Class Picture Tuesday, September 30 th ▪ Hall of Fame Voting on Friday, October 3 rd ▪ Senior Goodbyes & Questions due Friday, October 10 th ▪ Senior Grad and baby pictures due on Friday, October 17 th Turn in all information in to Mr. Larson.

7 PSEO Students Please give Mrs. Zagelmeyer, in the main office, your email address so you can be kept up to date on what is happening at Hermantown High School through the Student Bulletin.

8 Fall Trap Meeting There will be a short meeting Friday at 2:45pm in Mr. LeBlanc room 205.

9 Library The Media Center / Library will open to students on September 8 th. All students must have a valid pass to access the library.

10 Math League Anyone interested in math league please see Mrs. Arro before Friday, September 5 th.

11 Student Council Attention Student Council members that signed up last spring with Ms. Griffin and new freshman. There will be a meeting this Thursday and Friday at 7:20am sharp in room 206 to discuss homecoming! Please be ready to share your ideas!

12 Fall Play The Mouse that Roared Political Comedy set in the 1970s Auditions September 8 th & 9 th Performances November 13th-16 th Pick up an audition packet and sign up for an audition time outside the choir room or in the library.

13 Lockers If you are still having trouble with your locker, please see Mrs. Riddle in the Counseling Office today

14 College Recruiters Tuesday, September 15 @ 11:45am UofM Twin Cities Wednesday, September 17 @ lunch Army Tuesday, September 23 @1:00pm St. Cloud State

15 Boys Soccer Sherzie If you are interested in a soccer sherzie talk to a JV or Varsity soccer player! Forms and money are due to Mrs. Arro by Friday, September 5 th. Please be ready to share your ideas!

16 Sports Schedule Tuesday, September 2 nd 4:15pm Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Cloquet 5:00pmBoys Varity Soccer vs. Superior @ NBC Spartan Sports Complex 7:00pmGirls Varsity Volleyball @ Duluth East

17 Sports Schedule Thursday, September 4 th 4:15pmGirls Varsity Tennis @ Superior 5:00pm Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Cloquet 5:00pmGirls Swimming vs. Denfeld @ Proctor 7:00pmBoys Varsity Soccer vs. Cloquet 7:00pm Varsity Volleyball vs. Grand Rapids

18 Sports Schedule Friday, September 5 th 7:00pmVarsity Football @ Proctor Presale STUDENT tickets ONLY. You can pick up student tickets in Ms. Clarks office this week. Ticket prices are $4.00ea.

19 Extracurricular Activities Punch Card Let your parents know that the can be purchased in the main office for $40.00 for 10 punches. The punches are good for any adult regular season game.

20 Hawks Football Cards Let your parents know that the can be purchased in the main office for $20.00.

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