Community Laura Jeffrey Academy 2013 - 2014 Mini-Grantee.

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1 Community POWER @ Laura Jeffrey Academy 2013 - 2014 Mini-Grantee

2 LJA’s Community POWER Objectives LJA scholars will bring environmental awareness to their community. LJA scholars will be advocates for change within their homes, school, and community by engaging in authentic, creative, and innovative activities. Goal #1 - Waste Reduction in the Lunchroom Goal #2 - An increase in the recycling of materials by repurposing the materials

3 “Green” Chili Cook Off Goal #1 - Waste Reduction in the Lunchroom LJA community participated in the 2 nd annual “Green” Chili Cook-Off which focused on food waste reduction and community building. Outcomes - with an increase in participation (from 239 people to 337 people) LJA decreased the Event Waste of 75 lbs in 2012-2013 to 43 lbs in 2013 – 2014. Of the 43 lbs of waste – 9 lbs were from compostable utensils, bowls, napkins 23 lbs were from organics food waste. 11 lbs were from “others” 33% of the participants brought their own bowl 26% bought an LJA scholar made ceramic bowl

4 Fix-It Clinic Goal #2 - An increase in the recycling of materials by repurposing the materials LJA community participated in the first Fix-It Clinic hosted by LJA in conjuction with Macalaster Groveland Community Council. The number of LJA participants at the Fix-It Clinic exceeded our goal. Scholars had set a goal for 12% of LJA families to attend but 17% of the families were in actual attended the event.

5 Student Showcase and STEAM Expo Goal #2 - An increase in the recycling of materials by repurposing the materials Students shared their learnings through a variety of summative projects at the annual Showcase. Showcasing TinkerToy’s, Rube Goldberg Machines, and Sustainable Green Architecture Exploring a variety of Eco- Friendly insulations. A sample of the TinkerToys created.

6 Extracurricular Community Activity: Bicycle Powered Float Goal #2 - An increase in the recycling of materials by repurposing the materials Students shared their learnings with the LJA community at the end of year STEAM expo by unveiling the recycled bike powered float. A total of 67 lbs were recycled in the building of the bike and float.

7 Extracurricular AfterSchool Classes In the Nude App Scholars engaged in creating an app that addresses the importance product toxicity. LJA scholars created the app In the Nude which evaluates product toxicity and MN waterways

8 Community Powers Effectiveness @ Laura Jeffrey Academy Families who were survey Pre and Post as provided by Community POWER Grant showed an increase in recycling efforts, reducing food waste, and attempting to reuse household items. This was all made possible because of their scholars continually advocating for behavior change within the home.

9 LJA’s next steps and future responsibilities Curriculum created will be embedded into the overall curriculum throughout LJA’s two year loop. LJA is advocating to host a yearly Fix-It Clinic. Every month LJA scholars will be writing “Green” Tips and publishing within the newsletter. The newsletter is sent out to LJA families and community supporters. LJA will continue to present at WaterFest and promote environmental stewardship through their display table.

10 Community POWER Highlights The scholars excelled at taking the theory and ideas behind behavior change and put them into action. The creation of toys made from recycled materials, engagement in environmental stewardship, and the building of the recycled Bicycle powered float speaks the work LJA scholars have taken away from the opportunity to work with Community POWER. LJA scholars are truly empowered to fight for their environment in a variety of ways.

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