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Develop and Put Meat into your paper! Limited to Basic- Usually skeletal papers without MEAT (IDEAS).

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Presentation on theme: "Develop and Put Meat into your paper! Limited to Basic- Usually skeletal papers without MEAT (IDEAS)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop and Put Meat into your paper! Limited to Basic- Usually skeletal papers without MEAT (IDEAS).

2 The 11-Minute Essay Does being in Special Education limit your future career choices?

3 STEP 1 You will be writing on the following prompt. Write an essay telling how participating in school clubs and sports can help you be successful outside of school

4 STEP 2 Brainstorm and write for ONE minute to answer the question: What are extracurricular activities?

5 Take a breath and indent. Write one positive result of participating in extracurricular activities and then provide an example History- Try think of a famous person who did this (past or present). Experience- your own

6 STEP 4 Take a breath and start a new paragraph. Brainstorm and write for THREE minutes about a book or story (literature) that also proves the idea. Use the name of the book or movie as you write about it. From Athlete of the Year (Joey Gilbert)

7 STEP 5 Take a breath and start a new paragraph. Brainstorm and write for THREE minutes about how the idea has been proven true in real life experiences.

8 STEP 6 Take a breath and indent. Tell me what one can learn about being successful in life by participating in extracurricular activities. (teaching moment).

9 STEP 7 Re-read your essay If there is a paragraph that is weak, cross it out... It will only make your essay stronger. Your expository paper will only be 2 Fully Developed Body Paragraphs. So, can you combine a paragraph or do you need to delete a body. No skeletal papers.

10 4 Paragraphs- DEVELOP Introduction Thesis- use words from prompt!!! Driving force of paper. Body 1- Strong, topic sentence (your point) Supporting details (2) Body 2- Strong topic sentence (your point) ◦Supporting Details Conclusion- refer to prompt

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