United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook Heather Page United Nations Statistics Division Work Session on the Communication of Statistics Session 4: Good.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook Heather Page United Nations Statistics Division Work Session on the Communication of Statistics Session 4: Good."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook Heather Page United Nations Statistics Division Work Session on the Communication of Statistics Session 4: Good practices in electronic publications Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 June 2014 United Nations Statistics Division

2 2 Outline ● Introduction: Pocketbook content & Global market niche ● Evolution to the digital age ● UN CountryStats APP ● Lessons learned & challenges

3 Pocketbook content & Global market niche 3 WORLD STATISTICS POCKETBOOKS (1976-2013)

4 4 NameOrganizationDescriptionWebsite Pocketbook free to download? World Statistics Pocketbook (2014 edition, forthcoming July) United Nations/ Statistics Division “ An annual compilation of key statistical indicators prepared by the United Nations Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Over 50 indicators have been collected from more than 20 international statistical sources and are presented in one-page profiles for 217 countries or areas of the world. This issue covers various years from 2005 to 2014.” http://unstats.un.org/unsd/ pocketbook/ Yes (pdf) The Little Data Book (2014) World Bank “The Little Data Book 2014 is the pocket edition of World Development Indicators 2014. It is intended as a quick reference for users of the World Development Indicators database, book, and mobile app. The Little Data Book 2014 contains 55 key development indicators such as population and population growth, GNI, GDP, GDP growth, exports and imports, and gross capital formation, deforestation, water use, energy use and electricity use per capita.” http://data.worldbank.org/ products/data-books/little- data-book Yes (pdf) Regional Comparisons/ Income Comparisons/ Includes Income Classification Pocket World in Figures (2014 edition) The Economist“Annual bestseller- completely updated and revised, and expanded with new features that include mobile banking, a global peace index, museums and art galleries, the shadow economy and species under threat. Now provides rankings on more than 200 topics that take into account over 190 countries, together with detailed statistical profiles of more than 65 of the world’s major economies and profiles of the world and the euro area.” http://store.economist.c om/Product- %2820041211%29- EPO%282%29- EB018%282101%29.asp x No; $34.50 World Rankings Data (half of the book) CURRENT GLOBAL POCKETBOOK MARKET Pocketbook content & Global market niche Source: Author compilation based on each Pocketbook’s website as listed above, May 2014.


6 Evolution to the digital age 6 POCKETBOOK WEBSITE & FREE PDF LINK Website: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/pocketbook/

7 Evolution to the digital age 7 UNDATA Website: http://data.un.org Country Profiles Website: http://data.un.org/CountryProfile.aspx?crName

8 Evolution to the digital age 8 UNSD TWITTER SITE Website: https://twitter.com/UNStats

9 UN CountryStats APP 9 APPLE WEBSITE TO DOWNLOAD THE UN COUNTRYSTATS APP Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/un-countrystats/id505192468?mt=8

10 UN CountryStats APP 10

11 UN CountryStats APP 11

12 UN CountryStats APP 12


14 UN CountryStats APP 14 Name of PocketbookOrganization App name -Cost- -Available platforms- -Rating- App Features World Statistics Pocketbook United Nations/ Statistics Division UN CountryStats App - Free - Iphone, Ipad, Ipod Touch - Rated 4+ on Itunes Based on the World Statistics Pocketbook. The Little Data Book 2014 World Bank WDI DataFinder App - Free - Iphone, Ipad, Ipod Touch, Android - Rated 4+ on Itunes Based on the World Development Indicators 2014 book and includes more indicators than are included in the Little Data Book. Pocket World in Figures 2014 The EconomistThe Economist World in Figures App - Free - Iphone, Ipad, Ipod Touch - Rated 4+ on Itunes Based on the Pocket World in Figures. IPad/ Iphone app made free courtesy of Grant Thornton. POCKETBOOK APP MARKETPLACE Sources: UN CountryStats app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/un-countrystats/id505192468?mt=8, May 2014; WDI DataFinder app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/world-bank-datafinder/id349081196?mt=8, May 2014; The Economist: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/the-economist-world-in-figures/id438709514?mt=8, May 2014.https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/un-countrystats/id505192468?mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/world-bank-datafinder/id349081196?mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/the-economist-world-in-figures/id438709514?mt=8

15 UN CountryStats APP ● Next Steps: version 2.0 due July/Aug 2014 ● Communication strategy for launch: revised website, Twitter campaign, DESA News, linking to other social media ● Where to next: web-based APP 15

16 Lessons learned ● PDF as “e-book” ● App is king ● Analytics, users & target audiences 16 Icon made by Dave Gandy from www.flaticon.com

17 Challenges & Next Steps ● Targeting correctly: using a dissemination plan and survey ● Linking our products ● Visuals 17

18 Heather Page United Nations Statistics Division Statistical Dissemination Section pageh@un.org United Nations Statistics Division

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