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Creating a Lesson Plan “To Facilitate Student Success”

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Lesson Plan “To Facilitate Student Success”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Lesson Plan “To Facilitate Student Success”

2 Initial Lesson Plan n Entry Lesson Plan –Declarative Knowledge n Methods –Procedural Knowledge n Analytical Planning –Declarative, procedural & conditional n Student Teaching –Decision Making Conditional Knowledge

3 Three Major Components of a Lesson Plan n Lesson Preparation: Standards and Objectives n Procedures: Concept Development n Assessment

4 Formula for Objective n Specifications (conditions) n Task ( observable & measurable ) n Learner(s) ( Student, class, small group ) n Criterion (ways to measure)

5 Objective Format Given _________________, the ______________ __________________ with __________________. specificationslearner taskcriteria

6 Objective Objective After the students watch the teacher demonstrate the proper techniques for dissecting a pig, each group will dissect a pig and list 10 parts found.

7 Objective Objective At the conclusion of the lesson on rhythm, the student will be able to: 1.clap three rhythm patterns with 100% accuracy. 2.Create and model a rhythm pattern for another student.

8 Assessment n Self-Assessment -- student rates self n Peer Assessment -- peer rates peer n Formative Assessment (continual, frequent; notes student progress) n Summative Assessment (measures performance; periodic)

9 Methods Teacher -Centered n Lectures -- Mini-Presentations n Presentation--Discussion n Discussion Student-Centered n Discovery Learning n Inquiry Learning n Discussion

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