Rural Land Resources The Lake District: An Upland Glaciated Landscape.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Land Resources The Lake District: An Upland Glaciated Landscape."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Land Resources The Lake District: An Upland Glaciated Landscape

2 The Lake District


4 The Lake District: Facts and Figures The Lake District is the largest National Park in England It covers 885 square miles. It’s highest mountain is Scafell Pike at 978m (3210 feet) It’s longest lake is Windermere which is 10.5 miles long. There are 12 million visitors per year. 89% of visitors to the Lake District come by car.

5 The Lake District: Relief Deep U-Shaped valleys dissect the upland landscape. 16 Ribbon Lakes occupy many of these valleys. There is a lot of evidence to prove that the Lake District was once affected by glaciation.

6 Task 1: Using your O.S map of the Lake District, Find 3 features of glaciation and write down the main processes that formed them. Remember to use actual names and grid references eg. Stickle Tarn 285 075

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