Modify ABO Subtyping References for Consistency Operations and Safety Committee November 12-13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Modify ABO Subtyping References for Consistency Operations and Safety Committee November 12-13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modify ABO Subtyping References for Consistency Operations and Safety Committee November 12-13, 2014

2  Current OPTN policy contains different terms that have the same intended meaning  Policy 2.6.B: “found to be non-A1 or non-A1B”  Policy 13.7.B: “to a blood type A2 or A2B”  Policy 14.4.A.i: “donor to be non-A1 (negative for A1) or non-A1B (negative for A1B)”  Inconsistency may create confusion The Problem

3 #6-Promote Efficient Management of OPTN Provide clarity to requirements Strategic Plan

4 PolicyCurrent TerminologyProposed Terminology 2.6.B“found to be non-A1 or non- A1B” “found to be blood type A, non-A 1 or blood type AB, non-A 1 B” 13.7.B“to a blood type A2 or A2B”“to a blood type A, non- A 1 or blood type AB, non-A 1 B” 14.4.A.i:“donor to be non-A1 (negative for A1) or non-A1B (negative for A1B)” “donor to be blood type A, non-A 1 or blood type AB, non-A 1 B” Proposed Solution

5 Public Comment Response Tally Type of Response Response Total In Favor In Favor as Amended Opposed No Vote/ No Comment/ Did Not Consider Individual2116 (76%)0 (0%)1 (5%)4 (19%) Regional1111 (100%)0 (0%) Committee193 (16%)0 (0%) 16 (84%) Public Comment Feedback

6 Product Policy Professional Education Target Population Impact: Transplant Professionals Total IT Implementation Hours** 750/10,680 Total Overall Implementation Hours** 2,240/17,885 Overall Project Impact ** Included in Proposed ABO Determination, Reporting, and Verification Policy Modifications

7 RESOLVED, that additions and modifications to Policies 2.6.B (Deceased Donor Blood Subtype Determination), 5.3. C (Liver Acceptance Criteria), 9.5.B (Points Assigned by Blood Type), 13.7.A (Blood Type), 13.7.B (A2 and A2B Matching), 14.4.A.i (Living Donor Blood Subtype Determination), and 8.5. E (Allocation of Kidneys by Blood Type) are modified as set forth below, effective May 1, 2015. Resolution 15 (page 45)

8 Thank you! Theresa Daly, Committee Chair Susan Tlusty, Committee Liaison Questions?

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