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CFD Simulation: MEXICO Rotor Wake

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1 CFD Simulation: MEXICO Rotor Wake
EWEC: 2009 Andreas Bechmann & Niels Sørensen Risø DTU ∙ National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

2 Outline: Background MEXICO Experiment CFD Simulations Conclusion
CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

3 Background 1/3 “Today, siting of wind turbines in wind farms is based on power output considerations” TOPFARM project: Optimization of wind farm topology based on power output and turbine loads. WP1: Internal flow model Model to describe the flow inside the wind farm CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

4 Background 2/3 Wind farm Wind tunnel Single wind turbine
How to validate the model? Single wind turbine Wind tunnel CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

5 Background 3/3 Wind tunnel The MEXICO Experiment Objectives:
Controlled conditions PIV measure. 1.3D downstream Open wind tunnel – tunnel effects? Objectives: To make a “clean” dataset for validating wake models Method: Extract wake data from the MEXICO experiment Compare measurements with high resolution CFD Combine measurements and CFD results in a dataset for validating wake models Wind tunnel CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

6 Outline: Background MEXICO Experiment CFD Simulations Conclusion
Title of the presentation 17 March 09

7 MEXICO Exp. 1/4 MEXICO Info:
(pictures by ECN, NLR) Model Experiments in Controlled Conditions Purpose: ”measurements on wind turbine model including the near wake” Large tunnel of DNW used Many groups participated: ECN was coordinator The Vindtunnel: Open section 9.5×9.5m Max. air speed 30 m/s Balance (3 forces/moments) CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

8 MEXICO Exp. 2/4 The Rotor: 4.5m diameter 3 airfoils for each blade:
1. Root: DU 91-W2-250 2. Mid: RISØ A1-21 3. Tip: NACA Zig-zag tape at 5% chord Pitch angle -2.3 degrees No signal from strain gages? (global rotor forces are estimated from the balance) Pressure at 5 sections (25%,35%,60%,82%,95%) CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

9 MEXICO Exp. 3/4 Earlier CFD findings 1/10 scale of DNW wind tunnel
Niels N. Sørensen, Risø/DTU MEXICO, 3. Progress Meeting, Athens 28-29 Nov. 2001 Earlier CFD findings 1/10 scale of DNW wind tunnel Clear tunnel effects in the far wake Tunnel effects limited at the rotor Doeke Rozendal Flow field measurements on a small scale wind turbine model in the DNW PLST wind tunnel NLR-CR The PIV measurements: PIV measuring sheet (34×40cm) placed horizontally at 270 deg azimuth In phase with rotor (freq=3 rotor revolutions) for 40s (100 samples) Axial traverse at r/R=0.82 Radial traverses from r/R= -0.6D -0.4D 0.3D 1.0D 1.3D -1.0D CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

10 MEXICO Exp. 4/4 Selected data: 100 GB of data
Axi-symmetric cond. No yaw Pitch angle -2.3 degree 425 rpm (tip speed 100m/s) Wind speed: 10, 15, 24 m/s (tip speed ratio 10, 6.7, 4.2) CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

11 Outline: Background MEXICO Experiment CFD Simulations Conclusion
CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

12 The Simulations 1/5 CFD solver: EllipSys3D RANS: SST k-ω model
Fully turbulent Steady-state simulations Surface mesh: All 3 blades meshed 256×64 cells on each Volume mesh: 256 cells in normal direction (~7 rotor diameters) Wake resolved approx 3D Wind tunnel is not included CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

13 The Simulations 2/5 Rotor forces:
Thrust. Estimated tower drag subtracted from balance force Pressure distributions. CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

14 The Simulations 3/5 CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake
17 March 09

15 The Simulations 4/5 Wake results: -0.6D -0.4D 0.3D 1.0D 1.3D -1.0D
CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

16 The Simulations 5/5 Validation dataset : Tunnel effects removed
Expands further downstream Airfoil characteristics has been extracted which includes 3D effects CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

17 Outline: Background MEXICO Experiment CFD Simulations Conclusions
CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

18 Thank you for listening!
Conclusions Wake data extracted from MEXICO database CFD simulations of MEXICO wake were performed Measurements and simulations compare well Only the near-wake was simulated (~3D) (due to mesh topology) Simulations with laminar–turbulent transition could be interesting A new validation dataset for wake models without tunnel effects Thank you for listening! CFD Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor Wake 17 March 09

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