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Linux on Windows Azure Andreas Wasita.

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1 Linux on Windows Azure Andreas Wasita

2 Today’s Session Supported Linux Distributions.
Setting up and accessing a new Linux VM. Securing your access to the VM. Managing Windows Azure (any service) from a Linux shell. Other Linux options on Azure (VMDepot).

3 Supported Distributions
SUSE and Open SUSE: Canonical Ubuntu: OpenLogic CentOS: Subject to Azure SLA and Azure support can manage break/fix tickets. Vendors above will work to rectify OS-level challenges.

4 Runtime Costs for Linux VMs
Instance Name Cores RAM AUD / PH Extra Small (A0) Shared 768 MB $0.0202 (~$15.14/month) Small (A1) 1 1.75GB $0.0606 (~$45.41/month) Medium (A2) 2 3.5GB $0.1211 (~$89.81/month) Large (A3) 4 7GB $0.2422 (~$180.63/month) Extra Large (A4) 8 14GB $0.4844 (~$360.25/month) A6 28GB $0.8275 (~$615.56/month) A7 56GB $1.655 (~$1,231.11/month)

5 Demo: Create Linux VM We’ll create our first VM from Windows using PowerShell. Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "free trial" -CurrentStorageAccount kloudblob $Images = Get-AzureVMImage | Where-Object { $_.PublisherName -eq 'OpenLogic'} $affinityGroup = 'kloudnet' $vxName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter virtual machine name' $lxUser = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Admin UserName' $password = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Password' –AsSecureString New-AzureQuickVM -Linux -ServiceName $vxName -Name $vxName -ImageName $Images[0].ImageName -AffinityGroup $affinityGroup -InstanceSize Small -LinuxUser $lxUser -Password $password

6 Azure Access Control - PowerShell
$acl = New-AzureAclConfig Set-AzureAclConfig -AddRule Permit -RemoteSubnet " /26" -Order 1 ` -ACL $acl -Description "Lock down SSH" Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $vxName -Name $vxName | Set-AzureEndpoint -Name ssh -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 22 ` -LocalPort 22 -ACL $acl | Update-AzureVM

7 Securing access to a Linux VM
Certificate-based security with SSH (hint: use openssl). Set an appropriate ACL on the Azure Cloud Service. Use a non-standard SSH port on your Cloud Service Endpoint. Use a bastion (or jump) host. Does this VM need to be publicly visible?

8 Management Cross-platform command line (node.js commandline).
PowerShell. Azure Management Portal.

9 Other Linux Options on Azure
VMDepot provides a rich set of pre-packaged Linux-based solutions

10 Demo

11 Managing Windows Azure from Linux

12 Cross Platform Command Line
X-Plat command line tool is implemented in JavaScript powered by Node.js

13 X-Plat CLI Linux Installation Guidance
Install the latest Node.js NPM ( Node Package Manager ) Install Azure CLI: npm install azure-cli -g

14 Configuring X-Plat CLI for Azure
Azure Account Download Azure Account Import Note: You need to have a browser on the machine before you run Azure account download command.

15 X-Plat CLI to Create Azure Objects
Azure Account Affinity-Group Azure Storage Account Azure Website Create Azure VM Disk Attach Azure SQL Server Create Node.JS Developer Center

16 Create and Delete Azure VM with CLI
Show VM Image Azure VM Image List Create VM Azure VM Create vmname imagename adminusername adminpassword --location “image region” Check the VM Azure VM Show vmname Delete the VM Note : You don’t need to put –ssh as ssh port 22 is automatically added

17 Demo

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