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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Introduction.

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1 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Introduction


3 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1835-1910 “flame of Haley’s Comet” 1884 Samuel Longhorn Clemens-humorist in frontier tradition “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-1876

4 Wrote the novel from 1878-1882 England-1884 US-1885 Controversial-banned because deemed immoral for young readers 1886-royalty check for $54,000-vindicated Following death of wife and both daughters-Twain died on April 21, 1910 Picaresque novel-novel depicting adventures of young hero who grows throughout novel

5 First page of novel states action took place “forty to fifty years ago” – 1 st decade of Twain’s life Pre-Civil War years-growing debate of slavery Colloquial language-dialect-vernacular First Great American Novel First Person POV Irony-Situational irony enhances theme of prejudice versus respect for human dignity

6 Themes Truth versus falsehood Civilization versus natural instincts and nature Prejudice and respect for human dignity Man as an individual as opposed to man in a group

7 Symbols The Mississippi River-life’s journey, Providence, nature—often called 3 rd protagonist Raft-natural simplicity of protagonists Steamboat-civilization

8 Satire Twain used satire to target romantic view of life Symbolized by Tom’s escapades, the wrecked steamboat, the Grangerfords (gentility conflicts with their brutal lifestyle)

9 Abolitionists Frederick Douglass-slave mother-white father Born near 1817-1895 Forced to leave country for 2 years to raise money for his own freedom Famous orator—Knowledge is Power- campaigned for Lincoln-Civil War-Mass. Negroes-federal offices-Min. to Haiti

10 Frederick Douglass

11 Frederick Douglass The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave: Written by Himself 1845 Primary Source

12 Works Cited Teacher notes

13 E2-R1.3 Demonstrate the ability to apply integrated strategies to evaluate selections from a variety of literary genres and real-world texts. E2-R1.6 Demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions and make inferences. E2-R1.9 Demonstrate the ability to read several works on a particular topic, paraphrase the ideas and synthesize them with ideas from other authors addressing the same topic. E2-W1.3 Demonstrate the ability to develop an extended response around a central idea, using relevant supporting details. E2-W1.4 Demonstrate the ability to revise for clarity through collaboration, conferencing, and self-evaluation. E2-RS3.1 Demonstrate the ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources, including those accessed through technology.

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