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The BCA is referred to as a 'performance based' code, describing acceptable Performance Requirements that buildings throughout Australia must meet.

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Presentation on theme: "The BCA is referred to as a 'performance based' code, describing acceptable Performance Requirements that buildings throughout Australia must meet."— Presentation transcript:

1 The BCA is referred to as a 'performance based' code, describing acceptable Performance Requirements that buildings throughout Australia must meet.

2 There are two ways to meet the Performance Requirements. These are referred to as Building Solutions: The Deemed-to-Satisfy : provisions are detailed prescriptive technical requirements within the BCA of how the building is to be constructed and equipped. An Alternative Solution : is one that can be demonstrated to meet the Performance Requirements of the BCA by other means. The purpose of an Alternative Solution is to allow for new ways of achieving the required levels of performance.

3 A Building Solution will comply with the BCA if it satisfies the Performance Requirements.

4 N0Relevant performance requirements Relevant DTS Provisions Proposed Alternative solution 1EP 1.1E1.4 Remove fire hose reels and install additional fire extinguishers. Justification for Alternative Solution. Fast response sprinkler heads are to be installed in which case the time for sprinkler activation will be approximately equal to that of the time required for an occupant to identify fire, locate fire hose reels, read instructions unwind the drum.......etc

5 A fire hose reel system must be installed to the degree necessary to allow occupants to safely undertake initial attack on a fire appropriate to— (a) the size of the fire compartment; and (b) the function or use of the building; and (c) any other fire safety systems installed in the building; and (d) the fire hazard. Back

6 A fire hose reel system must be provided to serve the whole building where one or more internal fire hydrants are installed. BackSlide 3Slide 3

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