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Welcome to Santa Ana College Educational Plan Workshop Associate Degree Last updated 09/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Santa Ana College Educational Plan Workshop Associate Degree Last updated 09/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Santa Ana College Educational Plan Workshop Associate Degree Last updated 09/2012

2 What are the ENGLISH AND MATH requirements for an AA? English 101 MATH 080/081 ENGL N50  N60  061  101 MATH (N05) NO6  N48  060/061  080/81

3 How many units do I need to get an AA degree? 60

4 What is General Education? It is a common core of courses that all majors must complete for a degree. For an AA it’s 31 – 35 units

5 What are some of my Associate Degree options here at SAC? Nursing, Speech Pathology Assistant, Occupational Therapy Assistant Paralegal Fire Technology, Criminal Justice Pharmacy Technology Business Applications, International Business Art-Digital Media Arts Television/Video Communication Auto & Diesel Technology Manufacturing Technology Fashion Design Accounting, Library Technology Human Development

6 Associate Degree Usually referred to as AA or AS (Assoc. of Arts or Sciences) Offered by community colleges Major Courses General Education Courses Plan A (24 units) Elective Courses + + Requirements: Total Units: Min. 60 units Examples: Business Admin., Liberal Arts, Nursing, Paralegal

7 Minimum Qualifications for an Associate Degree 1.Obtainment of a minimum G.P.A of 2.0 2.Completion of 60 semester units 3.12 units of residency (SAC) 4.No “N” classes count towards 60 units 5.Must meet the proficiency requirements (Math, reading, speech and computer skills with a “C” grade or better)

8 / 081 Meets AA/AS Degree Math Requirement

9 SAC English Course Sequence English N50 (3 units) Intro. to Written Communication English N60 (3 units) Basics of Effective Writing English 061 (3 units) Introduction to Composition English 101 or 101H (4 units) Freshman Composition English 102 or 102H (4 units) Literature and Composition English 103 or 103H (4 units) Critical Thinking and Writing Meets AA/AS Degree English Requirement

10 Plan A – General Education A. Natural Sciences – 3 units B. Social & Behavior Sciences – 6 units B1. American Institutions B2. Social Science Elective C. Humanities – 3 units D. Cultural Breadth – 3 units From D1 OR D2 E. Language & Rationally – 6 units E1. English Composition – English 101 E2. Communication & Analytical Thinking F. Lifelong Understanding & Self-Develop. - 3 units F1. and F2. (One course from each group.) (No more than 1 unit from F2) 24 Units GE (6 classes) +36 Units Major/ Elective ____________________ =60 Units Total



13 Sample of Completed Educational Plan A

14 Liberal Arts Degree (see Current SAC Catalog) 1.Complete general educational Plan A 2.Complete a minimum of 18 units from a single Area of Emphasis listed below: 1.American Studies 2.Arts, Humanities & Communications 3.Business & Technology 4.Mathematics & Science 5.Social & Behavioral Sciences

15 Classes to improve college skills BUSINESS APPLICATIONS 110, 115 (COMPUTER KEYBOARDING 1-2 units) BUSINESS APPLICATIONS 179, INTRO TO MICROSOFT OFFICE 3 units READING N80A 3 units READING N90A 3 units STUDY SKILLS 109 3 units


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