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Cellular Respiration. Food Is broken down into 3 categories Lipids (Fats) Proteins Polysaccharides (Glucose)

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Respiration. Food Is broken down into 3 categories Lipids (Fats) Proteins Polysaccharides (Glucose)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Respiration

2 Food Is broken down into 3 categories Lipids (Fats) Proteins Polysaccharides (Glucose)

3 Glucose is made up of 6 Carbon The 6 carbon are split into 2 groups of three One carbon then drops off and is combined to make CO2 where as the other two are combined to make Acetyl CoA FOCUSING ON THE POLYSACCHARIDES (GLUCOSE)

4 KREB CYCLE Acetyl CoA is passed around the Kreb Cycle producing CO2 waste Hydrogen Molecules are released meaning NAD can turn into NADH

5 STAGE FOUR Hydrogen Electrons are passed along a chain. While moving, they turn ADP into ATP (38 for every 1 Glucose)

6 Finally, Oxygen then binds with hydrogen to produce H20 Which is more commonly known as Water!

7 Rebecca Allnutt & Cate Paddon

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