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A2 Coursework 50% of final grade Any topic area that interests you from AS/ A2 specification. Decide on 3 possible areas, and brainstorm ideas around them.

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Presentation on theme: "A2 Coursework 50% of final grade Any topic area that interests you from AS/ A2 specification. Decide on 3 possible areas, and brainstorm ideas around them."— Presentation transcript:

1 A2 Coursework 50% of final grade Any topic area that interests you from AS/ A2 specification. Decide on 3 possible areas, and brainstorm ideas around them. Produce 3 mind maps. Select and reject ideas. Come up with various title ideas, then select one.

2 A2 investigation- what makes a good one? A basic knowledge and understanding of the topic before in depth research is undertaken. Precision in stating aims and objectives. Appropriate and feasible research methods and practical's. A Considerable amount of care paid to organisation, use of resources and safety at all times during investigative and practical work. An appropriate and concise analysis of results. An ability to be selective- select appropriate background notes which are relevant to title. An ability to draw conclusions in relation to the original aims and objectives. A realistic identification of areas in the investigation that need improvement or extension.

3 REPORT Conclude what you did and why and what you found out? Sum up aims and what you did to meet them (Objectives) Use appendices to reference work. Go back to this at the end of investigation, max 3000 words. The written report should communicate the investigative work effectively and logically to the first time reader, showing sequential developments and supporting statements and opinions with evidence and precise information.

4 Selection and rejection of ideas Look at AS spec and select areas you are interested in, brainstorm them. Look at A2 spec, and select areas that you are interested in. Changes in diets Food poisoning Protein in the diet Supply and availability Of food

5 IDEA 1 Brainstorm fully, things you could do on this area. Pregnant women and diet

6 IDEA 2 Babies and their diet


8 Select or reject Idea 1- pregnant women and diet Selected or rejected- Rejected This area interests me a lot, but there would not be enough to focus on. I could do……., but it would be difficult because……. Complete for all ideas.

9 Choosing my title My focus area is…………… I came up with various titles which were………………………………………… ……………………….. I have decided to select title 3 because…………………………….

10 Opportunities for study What could I do? Why would I do it? Any costs involved? How useful would it be? Selected or rejected? Why? ResearchI hope to find out… freeInformation derived to help with my study Selected.

11 INITIAL RESEARCH This could be a snippet from the internet, newspaper article- it should be included to highlight how you came up with your topic idea.

12 Include the following: Hypothesis or title. Once you have thought of your initial topic area, brainstorm loads of ideas and then write a possible question that you could answer.

13 Answer your hypothesis/Predict what will happen. I predict that this title/topic area will work well because……………… I think I will find out that………………

14 AIMS/OBJECTIVES Say what these are, and how you will address them AIM- I aim to find out why people become vegetarian (general) OBJECTIVE- I will do this by devising a detailed questionnaire which will be given to 4 respondents of which I already know to see exactly why they became veggie (specific)

15 PLAN OF ACTION DATEWORK TO DOCOMPLETED 10 th FebComplete experimental work on healthy breakfast Yes- just need to do results in neat at home

16 FLOWCHART/PLANNING WHAT?WHO?WHERE ? WHEN ? WHY ? HOW ? AIMSMeIn schoolStart of project To state what I want to find out, and how Introduction Secondary research Questionnair e Complete for every piece of work we complete.

17 Secondary research Only select main points and put into your own words. Use internet, magazines, books, leaflets, recipe books, food journals- reference them all. Include one piece of information for EACH of these sources.


19 Questionnaire Rationale- Why are you carrying it out? Include the questionnaire and a filled in one. Results on PC. Evaluate each graph to say what it tells you and why this could be. Conclusion

20 Practical work Your questionnaire should prompt practical work. What are you going to do and why? AIM Carry out, include recipe, design specification, resources, ingredients and equipment and time plan, and photos. Complete nutritional analysis, costing, sensory analysis with a target group, star profile. IDEALLY, you should complete 4 practical's. This procedure should be carried out for EVERY practical.

21 Comparison tests This may be relevant to your area, if it is focused on food products.

22 Visit/ supermarket survey Why? Results Where will this lead you to? Evaluate Only complete if applicable to your chosen topic. This will not lend itself to some titles.

23 Interview/email Why? Who? What have you found out? How will this help you? Evaluate

24 Entry and exit boxes. Complete on EVERY page. Entry- what am I doing and why? Exit- what have I found out? How will this help me?

25 Evaluation/ Assessment of aims. Separate into SUB HEADINGS. Have you met your aims? Look at each one individually. How? Strengths Weaknesses Improvements Complete at end and through the project after every task.

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