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Unidad 2.2 Part 1.  In this lesson you will learn to:  Talk about media and the community  Use pronouns with commands  Make requests and recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "Unidad 2.2 Part 1.  In this lesson you will learn to:  Talk about media and the community  Use pronouns with commands  Make requests and recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unidad 2.2 Part 1

2  In this lesson you will learn to:  Talk about media and the community  Use pronouns with commands  Make requests and recommendations  Express opinions  Use impersonal expressions + infinitive  Present tense and preterite tense review

3  Traducir  traduzcotraducimos  traducestraducís  traducetraducen  Other: conducir

4  Tradujetradujimos  Tradujistetradujisteis  Tradujotradujeron  Other:conducir

5  Distribuir : to distribute distribuyodistribuimos distribuyesdistribuís distribuyedistribuyen Other verbs: construir, destruir

6  Distribuir-  distribuídistribuimos  distribuistedistribuisteis  distribuyódistribuyeron  Other-construir, destruir

7 1. ¿Qué hace Roberto? 2. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a Roberto? 3. ¿Por qué tiene él una fecha límite para terminar los textos? 4. ¿Qué hace un editor? 5. ¿De qué se trata el anuncio de Roberto? (tratarse de-to be about) Pg 120 actividad 1 Workbook 73& 74 sec. 1&2, 75 all sections

8  Impersonal “se”: You can use the pronoun se in order to avoid specifying the person who is doing the action of the verb.  If an infinitive or a singular noun follows the verb, you use the 3 rd person singular form of the verb.  If a plural noun follows the verb, you use 3 rd person plural form of the verb. Se habla español aquí. Se venden zapatos.

9  In Spanish, the placement of object pronouns depends on whether a command is affirmative or negative.  In affirmative commands you attach object pronouns to the end of the verb.  In the negative commands, they go before the verb and after no.

10  When you attach the pronoun you must add an accent to the second syllable counting from the end and not including the pronoun.  Explícalo Ex plí calo  PonlaNO ACCENT –only 2 syllables  LávateLávate

11 1. Tenlo 2. Comelos 3. Escribelos 4. Visitame 5. Lavate 6. Comprame 7. Sacala 8. Hazla 9. Despertate 10. levantate

12  Direct object receives the action of the verb. Answers the questions to who or what.  I sell the book. I sell what?_________  Direct object pronoun replaces the direct object.  I sell the book. I sell it.

13 me (me)nos (us) te (you)os (you pl) lo (it,him,you)los (them,you pl) la (it,her,you)las (them, you pl) Sell it! (the book) Véndelo Don’t sell it. (the book) No lo vendas.

14 1. Hold it! (the book) 2. Explain it! (the lesson) 3. Organize them! (the students) 4. Buy it! (the plastic bag) 5. Pay for them! (the newspapers) 6. Don’t sell it! (the shoes) 7. Don’t eat them! (the french fries) 8. Don’t drink it! (the soda) 9. Don’t do it! (the homework) 10. Don’t read them! (the magazines)

15  Indirect object says to whom or for whom the action is performed. Answers the question to whom or for whom.  I sell him the book.  Indirect object pronouns replace the indirect object.  Yo le vendo el libro.

16  me (to me)nos(to us)  te (to you)os (to you pl.)  le (to him,her, youf)les (to them, to you pl.)  Sell him the book!  Véndele el libro.  Don’t sell him the book.  No le vendas el libro.

17 1. Explain the lesson to her! 2. Sell the book to us! 3. Read the magazine to him! 4. Tell me the truth! 5. Buy them the newspaper! 6. Don’t lend him the notebook! 7. Don’t bring me the book bag! 8. Don’t do her homework!

18  Reflexive verbs take reflexive pronouns.  Reflexive verbs are actions done to oneself.  Me (myself)nos (ourselves)  Te (yourself)os (yourself pl)  Se (him/her/your self)se (themselves, yourself pl)  ****the only reflexive pronoun you will use the tú commands is te  Lávate la cara.  No te laves la cara.

19  Acostarse(o-ue)  Bañarse  Cepillarse  Despertarse(e-ie)  Ducharse  Lavarse  Levantarse  Ponerse  Secarse  Vestirse(e-i)  Afeitarse  Peinarse

20 1. Go to bed! 2. Take a bath! 3. Brush your teeth! 4. Wake up! 5. Take a shower! 6. Don’t wash your face! 7. Don’t get up! 8. Don’t put on your clothes! 9. Don’t dry yourself! 10. Don’t get dressed!

21  The same rules apply with the tú commands.  Except you will use the reflexive pronoun______not te.  Wash your face. Lávese la cara. (Ud.)  Wash your face. Lávense la cara. (Uds.)

22 1. Don’t organize it. (the project) 2. Call her. 3. Comb yourself. 4. Don’t explain it. (the lesson) 5. Give me the book. 6. Go away.

23 1. Don’t forget. 2. Delegate it. (the project) 3. Hold them. (the books) 4. Listen to us. 5. Find them. (magazines) 6. Eat it. (chicken)

24  The same rules apply with the tú commands.  Except you will use the reflexive pronoun______not te.  When you attach the pronouns you must drop the –s before adding the reflexive pronoun nos, dop & iop.  Let’s wash our face: Lavémonos la cara.  Dora the explora: Vámonos  Let’s say it: Digámolo

25 1. Let’s spend it.(money) 2. Let’s not serve them. (Paul and Mark) 3. Let’s organize it. (project) 4. Let’s brush our teeth. 5. Let’s wash it. (car) 6. Lets not write it. (book) 7. Let’s say the truth. 8. Let’s not eat them. (vegetables)

26  To state an opinion, or suggest that something should be done without indicating who should do it, use an impersonal expression plus an infinitive.  Formula for impersonal expressions: Use 3 rd person singular of the verb ser +an adjective + an infinitive. Es importante hablar con la profesora sobre el examen.

27 The verb ser can be in any tense.  Es malo no ir a la escuela.  It is bad not to go to school.  Fue bueno entrevistar al director.  It was good to interview the director.  Era interesante escuchar las entrevistas.  It was interesting to listen to the interviews.

28 1. It is good to eat healthy. 2. It is difficult to listen to the professor. 3. It is necessary to do your homework everyday. 4. It is bad to talk in class. 5. It is impossible to read the book. 6. It is best to go to sleep early. 7. It is better to arrive on time. 8. It was easy to write the letter. 9. It was impossible to swim in the ocean. 10. It was good to see my friends.

29  Situation: You are a journalist and you are interviewing a famous person.  Think of 10 good questions you would ask.  What is your name and how are you- are not included in the 10 good questions.  Grading on content, grammar and pronunciation! (worth 2 daily grades)  Must be memorized!

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