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Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® Grades 1-12 Training December 8, 2014 Testing Unit Erica Thompson Jessica Lyons 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® Grades 1-12 Training December 8, 2014 Testing Unit Erica Thompson Jessica Lyons 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® Grades 1-12 Training December 8, 2014 Testing Unit Erica Thompson Jessica Lyons 1

2  To develop awareness of the structure and administration procedures of Alternate ACCESS for ELLs®  To understand the organization and format of each component of the assessment (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing)  To learn the procedures for administering and reliably scoring the tests  Handling Test Materials 2 Today’s Objectives

3 Four Grade-Level Clusters 3 1-23-56-8 9-12 No Kindergarten Test

4 4 Assessment Overview

5 Listening Speaking Reading Writing Process, understand, interpret and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations Process, understand, interpret and evaluate written language, symbols and text with understanding and fluency Engage in written communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences Engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences Language Domains 5

6 Overview of Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® 6

7 2015 ACCESS for ELLs® Testing Schedule TaskStart DateEnd Date Test Ordering10/9/1411/06/14 Pre-ID Ordering- State Provides Label Pull10/9/1411/06/14 Schools Receive Test Materials 12/15/14 Test Window01/01/1502/13/15 Additional Materials Deadline (Call Testing Unit if needed past this date) 01/30/15 Data Validation Window03/24/1504/03/15 Reports Shipped to Districts04/20/1504/22/15 Printed Report Correction Window4/22/155/7/15 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs®

8  Rosters will be created in SDRR on a separate roster  Add/Remove students  Verify student demographics/biographics  List appropriate exemptions  List IEP (Yes/No) – Must match Infinite Campus  Accommodations - Mark Yes/No  Mark each domain where WIDA-approved accommodations were used Rosters on SDRR 8

9 What is Alternate ACCESS for ELLs®? 9  A test developed specifically for students identified as English language learners with significant cognitive disabilities  Based on the WIDA Alternate English language proficiency levels  A paper and pencil assessment  All components of the test are individually administered

10  Test will be Form 103  Administered individually  Test Administrator scores all sections  No tier levels  English Language Proficiency Levels  A1- Initiating  A2- Exploring  A3- Engaging  ACCESS Levels 1-3  Grade level clusters: 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 10 Alternate ACCESS

11  Schools will need to contact Tammy Durham for ACCESS passwords.  Do not share your ACCESS passwords.  It is a secure test.  Use a # 2 pencil, pens are not permitted.  Grade Header sheets may be duplicated.  Manuals, test materials and other forms can’t be duplicated.  Test booklets may not be distributed to teachers and administrators prior to the testing dates.  Test Administrator must provide BAC with WIDA certificate verifying successful completion of Alternate ACCESS quiz. 11 Alternate ACCESS

12 Test Security 12 Test materials stored in teachers classrooms must be under DOUBLE LOCK. Test materials stored with BACs must be under at least SINGLE LOCK.

13 Purpose of Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® 13  Provides ELLs with significant cognitive disabilities an opportunity to demonstrate their English language proficiency:  in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing  in four English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards  social and instructional language  the language of language arts  the language of mathematics  the language of science  Meets the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB; 2001) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA; 2004) accountability requirements

14 Who Should Take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs®? 14  Only ELLs with significant cognitive disabilities.  Typically this includes students that have one or more of the existing categories of disabilities under IDEA (e.g., intellectual disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, etc.)  Students whose cognitive impairments may prevent them from attaining grade level achievement standards. (adapted from U. S. Department of Education: Alternate Achievement Standards of Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Non Regulatory Guidance, August 2005)

15  Student has been identified as an ELL (LEP)  Student has been identified as having one or more of the existing categories of disabilities under IDEA (e.g., intellectual disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, etc.)  Student is participating in alternate curriculum and in state- wide alternate accountability assessments  IEP team recommended the assessment after considering all three criteria above 15 Criteria for Selecting Students

16 BAC Responsibilities 16  Read the entire TAM.  Follow all directions carefully to ensure accurate reporting of data.  Immediately inventory test materials upon receipt.  Request any additional materials needed for testing from the Testing Unit.  Coordinate the distribution and return of all test materials.  Coordinate the administration of the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs in your school.  Complete the test schedule.  Emphasize the use of No. 2 pencils.  Pens, highlighters, crayons, mechanical pencils, etc. are not permitted.

17 Test Administrators (TA) 1.Complete the Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training  Classrooms materials must be covered/removed or test in a content free environment.  TA cannot receive the test materials before the testing window opens. 2.Read the Test Administration Manual (TAM) 3.Complete online Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® quiz on the WIDA Website ( with at least a score of 80% or 4.Be familiar with accommodations that may be used during administration 5.Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Tutorial 6.Complete Seating Chart 17 Roles and Responsibilities of TAs

18  Test Administration Manual  Test Administrator Script  Test booklet (legal size paper)  Student Response booklet  Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® Speaking and Writing Rubrics  Seating Chart 18 Test Materials


20 Student Response Booklet-Front 20 Place Label Here Form 103 Enter the first date the student was tested.

21 Student Response Booklet-Back 21

22 Do Not Score Box 22 DO NOT SCORE Section – Contact Jessica Lyons first for guidance on completion and roster annotations. SPD: Complete for Listening (L) and Speaking (S) components for Deaf and Hard of Hearing ONLY

23 Accommodations TAM pp. 50-51 23

24 Test Components and Sequence TAM p. 55 24

25  Scripted cues and repetition in the listening and reading sections  Modeled tasks in the writing section  Repetition and multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their proficiency 25 Unique Features of the Test

26 Listening Reading Speaking Writing 26 Test Administration Overview:

27  Format: 9 tasks that correspond to the AMPI levels A1-A3 and MPI levels 1 and 2  Every task contains 3 cues- CUE A, CUE B, and CUE C  Time: 20 minutes (additional time can be given as needed)  Scoring: Correct or Incorrect 27 Listening Test Overview

28  Keep the test going at a steady pace  Follow pause times given in the script  Follow the Test Administrator Script exactly  Practice reading the tasks aloud ahead of time  Give student non-evaluative, positive feedback 28 Listening Test Guidelines

29 29 Administration of Listening Tasks

30  Follow Moving ON box at the end of each task 30 Administration

31  After administering last task (9) OR  The student responded incorrectly or did not provide a response for 3 consecutive tasks 31 Ending the Listening Section

32  Test administrator scores each task after the completion of the entire task.  Follow the scoring key in the Student Response Booklet.  The Test Administration Manual gives specific guidelines for scoring the listening section. 32 Scoring

33 Listening Scoring Sheet 33

34 Listening Reading Speaking Writing 34 Test Administration Overview:

35  Format: 9 tasks that correspond to the AMPI levels A1-A3 and MPI levels 1-2  Every task contains 3 cues- CUE A, CUE B, and CUE C  Time: 20 minutes (additional time can be given as needed)  Scoring: Correct or Incorrect 35 Reading Test Overview

36  Keep the test going at a steady pace  Follow the Test Administrator Script exactly  Practice reading the tasks aloud ahead of time  Give student non-evaluative, positive feedback 36 Reading Test Guidelines

37 37 Administration of Reading Tasks

38  Follow Moving ON box at the end of each task 38 Administration

39  After administering last task (9) OR  The student responded incorrectly or did not provide a response for 3 consecutive tasks 39 Ending the Reading Section

40  Test administrator scores each task after the completion of the entire task.  Follow the scoring key in the Student Response Booklet.  The Test Administration Manual gives specific guidelines for scoring the reading section. 40 Scoring

41 Reading Scoring Sheet 41

42 Listening Reading Speaking Writing 42 Test Administration Overview

43  Format: Contains 2 Parts: Part A and Part B that correspond to the AMPI levels A1-A3 and MPI levels 1 and 2  Within each Part there are a set of Tasks  Each Task contains 3 questions: Question 1, Question 2, and Question 3  Time: 20 minutes(additional time can be given as needed)  Scoring: Meets or Approaches 43 Speaking Test Overview

44  Keep the test going at a steady pace  Follow the Test Administrator Script exactly  Practice reading the tasks aloud ahead of time  Give student non-evaluative, positive feedback  Can repeat a question if a student asks you to repeat it 44 Speaking Test Guidelines

45 Administration of Speaking Tasks 45

46  Follow Moving ON box at the end of each task 46 Administration

47  End the Speaking test after administering the last task in Part B (Task 8) OR  If student received a score of Approaches or No Response on 3 consecutive tasks 47 Ending the Speaking Section

48  Test administrator scores each response and records the score in the SRB.  The Test Administration Manual gives specific guidelines for scoring the speaking section.  Use the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® Speaking Rubric and Expect Boxes to score student responses. 48 Scoring

49 49 Scoring

50 50

51 Speaking Scoring Sheet 51

52 Listening Reading Speaking Writing 52 Test Administration Overview:

53  Format: Contains 3 Parts: Part A, Part B, and Part C that correspond to the AMPI levels A1-A3 and MPI levels 1, 2 and 3  Within each Part there are a set of Tasks  Tasks are modeled for students  Time: 20 minutes(additional time can be given as needed)  Scoring: Meets or Approaches 53 Writing Test Overview

54  Keep the test going at a steady pace  Follow the Test Administrator Script exactly  Put the SRB in front of the student  Have pre-sharpened pencils  Assistive devices need to be available and ready to use 54 Writing Test Guidelines

55 Administration of Writing Tasks for Parts A and B 55 Part A Part B The student must score ‘Meets’ on at least seven out of eight tasks in Parts A and B to move on to Part C. Part C

56  Follow Moving ON box at the end of each task 56 Administration

57  Test administrator scores each response and records the score in the SRB.  The Test Administration Manual gives specific guidelines for scoring the writing section.  No partial credit can be given on any writing tasks. 57 Scoring

58 58 Scoring Parts A and B

59 59 Scoring Sheet for Parts A and B

60 Administration of Writing Tasks for Part C 60 Part C The student must score ‘Meets’ on at least seven out of eight tasks in Parts A and B to move on to Part C.

61 Writing Rubric for Part C 61

62 62 Scoring Sheet for Part C

63  End the Writing test after administering the last task in Part C OR  If student received a score of Approaches or No Response on 3 consecutive tasks OR  After Part B if the student scored less than seven out of eight tasks with Meets 63 Ending the Writing Section

64 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® Forms 64

65 Sign the Nondisclosure Agreement AND Confidentiality Form BACs return these during check in appointment.

66 School Materials List 66

67 Security Checklist 67

68 School Header Sheet 68

69 Unused and Non Scorable Test Materials 69

70 Documentation of Materials Not Returned 70 Contact the Testing Unit if this form is needed.

71 Packing Materials

72 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Resources® 72

73 73

74 74

75 75

76 76



79 79 Print this Page

80  Test administrators will need to complete and pass (80% or higher) the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® certification quiz prior to administering the test.  The quiz is located within your personal training course account on the WIDA website.  If you do not complete and pass the certification quiz BEFORE you administer Alternate ACCESS an allegation will be filed.  Return a copy of quiz results with test materials. 80 Certification

81 Erica Thompson Jessica Lyons Testing Unit (502) 485-3388 81

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