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Conducting Pre- and Post-Conferences Copyright 2008 by The Health Alliance of MidAmerica LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Conducting Pre- and Post-Conferences Copyright 2008 by The Health Alliance of MidAmerica LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducting Pre- and Post-Conferences Copyright 2008 by The Health Alliance of MidAmerica LLC

2 8-2 Objectives  Explain the purposes of pre-clinical and post-clinical conferences.  State the benefits of clinical conferences.  Outline strategies to promote student participation in clinical conferences.

3 8-3 Objectives  Discuss ways to prepare for clinical conferences.  List methods to conduct successful clinical pre- and post-conferences.

4 8-4 Think-Pair-Share  Think: your own clinical conference experiences  Pair: with the person next to you  Share: ideas generated with the group

5 8-5 Planning for Clinical Conferences  Purpose  Topic  Process  Strategies  Method for Conference Evaluation

6 8-6 Purposes of Conferences  Pre-conference Validate student assignment preparation Review daily expectations Help set priorities Link theory to clinical practice  Post-conference Debriefing Strengthen skills Vent feelings Learn by using student assignments as case studies

7 8-7 Benefits of Clinical Conferences  Promote interactive learning, collaboration, and teamwork  Develop problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking skills

8 8-8 Benefits of Clinical Conferences  Develop oral communication skills  Link theory to practice  Provide opportunity for self-reflection

9 8-9 Benefits of Clinical Conferences  Sharing of student learning/skill mastery  Develop nursing attitudes and values  Assess own learning

10 8-10 Different Approaches for Levels of Students  Beginning Students  Advanced Students

11 8-11 Different Approaches for Levels of Students  Beginning students Inner focused Specific directions Concrete material Black & white terms Highly critical of staff execution of nursing care Skill reinforcement Need to learn medical terminology Limited understanding of nursing process  Advanced Students Greater understand nursing process More use of medical terminology Externally focused Able to see things in shades of gray Active role in leading conferences

12 8-12 Possible Activities for a Conference  Case study analysis with student assigned clients (Nursing Rounds)  Skill building with equipment  Clinical pathways  Strengthening documentation skills  Learning how to operate a clinical agency’s computer system

13 8-13 Possible Activities for a Conference  Topic of the week  Clarifying and assisting students with written clinical assignments  Debriefing of the day’s experience (post- conference)  Nursing process activities  Discussion of role transition issues

14 8-14 Possible Activities for a Conference  Analyzing staff performance in nursing care situations  Processing legal and ethical issues that arise  Guest speaker with special expertise  Sharing personal accomplishments  Explaining the health care system & delivery of health care

15 8-15 Possible Activities for a Conference  Linking personal experiences with health care to services offered as students  Cyber clinical conference

16 8-16 Faculty Role in Conferences  Plan discussion and learning activities  Create questions and cases  Present problem, issues and cases for discussion

17 8-17 Faculty Role in Conferences  Keep time  Support shared information and ideas  Be flexible

18 8-18 Faculty Role in Conferences  Provide non-threatening feedback  Create an environment conducive to discussion  Help students identify relationships, patterns, and themes  Facilitate group process

19 8-19 Faculty Role in Conferences  Managing side conversations Likely to occur with groups exceeding 5 members Invite involved persons to share conversation Outline conference time frame and goals Stop discussion and use silence until all become attentive Assign student seating if becomes a chronic problem

20 8-20 Faculty Role in Conferences  Handling Tardiness Start conference only when all members have arrived Hold to the allotted time frame for the conference

21 8-21 Faculty Role in Conferences  Handling Dysfunctional Group Members Monopolizer Playboy/Playgirl Quiet One Know-It-All Complainer

22 8-22 Student Role in Conferences  Arrive on time  Prepare for discussion  Work collaboratively with group  Examine different point of views

23 8-23 Student Role in Conferences  Modify own perspectives and opinions to attain consensus  Support shared information  Ask questions  Stay focused on conference deliberations  Participate actively

24 8-24 Tips for Effective Implementation  Assure a comfortable and private setting  Stay OUT of the student evaluation role  Start on time  Maintain group focus  End on time

25 8-25 Tips for Effective Implementation  Create a safe climate for discussion Conduct conference in a private location Suggested seating arrangements Faculty taking notes Pledge of confidentiality Positive feedback Open-ended questions

26 8-26 More Tips to Facilitate Student Participation  Ask for volunteers to speak  Target students with sensitivity  Phrase open ended questions carefully  Give students time to answer questions (5-10 seconds)

27 8-27 More Tips to Facilitate Student Participation  Use of Wheeler & Chin’s Feminist Process Check in Circling Person holding object speaks Check out

28 8-28 Conference Evaluation  Develop a feedback form  Have students complete a feedback form  Faculty self-reflection  Direct student conversations  Note cards  Include item on clinical faculty evaluation forms

29 8-29 Summary  Not all conferences will be perfect.  Things happen that disrupt the schedule.  Be open to student cues.  Successful conferences require planning.  Always room for improvement.

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