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Description of Soil Pit on Huntington River Terrace #1 Steve M., Sara L., Brendan H., Silas C-A 0 cm 100 cm 57 cm 18 cm 92 cm O A E B C A Horizon (5-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Description of Soil Pit on Huntington River Terrace #1 Steve M., Sara L., Brendan H., Silas C-A 0 cm 100 cm 57 cm 18 cm 92 cm O A E B C A Horizon (5-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description of Soil Pit on Huntington River Terrace #1 Steve M., Sara L., Brendan H., Silas C-A 0 cm 100 cm 57 cm 18 cm 92 cm O A E B C A Horizon (5-18 cm) Dark olive brown, 2.5y 3/3; homogeneous soil color. Silty clay. Lightly saturated with roots and decomposed organic material 5 cm O Horizon (0 - 5 cm) Very dark greyish brown, 2.5y 3/2. Lots of leaf litter, roots, loose organic material, fluffy E Horizon (18 - 19 cm) Dark grey brown, 2.5y 4/2 Not evenly distributed, very mottled. Sandy silt 19 cm Patchy oxidation at surface of B and bottom of E horizons, discontinuous contact. B Horizon (19 – 57 cm) Light olive brown 2.5y 5/6 Homogeneous coloring and sorting. Sandy clay, cohesive, much thicker than previous layers. Roots extend down to approx 50 cm. Slight orange tint C Horizon (57 – 92 cm) Light olive brown 2.5y 5/4 Sand transitioning towards larger cobbles. Extends past 92 cm. Sand grains and cobbles very well rounded and sorted.

2 Description of Soil Pit on Huntington River Terrace #2 Will Klein, Devin Noel, Drew Groth, Taylor Norton 0 cm 97 cm 71 cm 22 cm 85 cm O/A B C O/A Horizon (0 – 22 cm): Well sorted clay with loamy texture. Color = 7.5 YR 4/4. Organic material. O and A are mixed together due to farmland plowing. This creates a clear contact between the O/A and B horizons. Evidence of worm burrows. 91 cm 52 cm B Horizon (Left Side 22-71 cm, Right side 22-52 cm): patchy oxidized colors (7.5 YR 5/8 and 7.5 YR 4/6). Uneven delineation at bottom. Silty grain size (very fine). Scattered roots and worm burrows throughout B horizon. Patches more oxidized material present. C1 Horizon (52 -71 cm): Color= 7.5 YR 4/2. Fine gravel. No evidence of bioturbation. Undefined contact between C1 and C2. C1 C2 C2 Horizon (71-85 cm): Poorly sorted coarse gravel. Contact between C2 and C3 is very defined. No evidence of bioturbation. C4 C3 C3 Horizon (85-91 cm):Color 7.5 YR 5/4. Fine to medium grained sand. Contact between C3 and C4 well defined. Sand layer deposited during a flooding period. C4 Horizon (91-97 cm): Poorly sorted coarse gravel. Same type of gravel as C2.

3 Description of Soil Pit on Huntington River Terrace #3 0 cm +80 cm 40 cm 20 cm 60 cm O Ap B O Horizon (0 – 2.5 cm): Mostly grass with small root system. Ap Horizon (2.5 – 30 cm): Dark brown in color (3/3 10y), well sorted sandy matrix with mixed cobbles (avg. 2 in, max was 15in), past plowing mixed A and E horizons to yield Ap horizon, sharp contact with B horizon due to defined plow depth Distinct plow horizon B Horizon (30 – 80+ cm): About 4 cm of oxidized soil (4/3 2.5y) before transitioning into olive brown (4/4 2.5y) sand, homogenous sorting of sandy grains, patches of oxidized material throughout, trace amounts of bioturbation present (most likely due to worm activity) Daniel Gordon, Nicole Sala, Molly Bruno, Mia Pinheiro = Cobble and pebbles

4 Description of Soil Pit on Huntington River Terrace #4 Michael Chirigos, Ben Wilkes, KJ Darling, Elisabeth McElwee O B A 37±2 cm 51±2 cm 44±2 cm 58±2 cm ≥7 cm O- Horizon (0-7cm) Pine straw, sticks, leaves, some small new growth as well as decomposing leaves and organic matter. Hue 2.5 Y 3/3 Dark Olive Brown A- Horizon (7-17cm) Organic matter is largely decomposed. Small roots and grains are present. Hue 2.5 Y 4/4 Olive Brown B-Horizon (17-30cm) Some larger roots; the soil is more compacted here. Soil is not well developed and hasn’t oxidized. Hue 2.5 Y 4/4 Olive Brown. A and B layers are slightly blended at contact. C C- Horizon (30-37cm) Alternating layers of small and large rocks separated by large grain sand. Most pebbles and cobbles have been smoothed and rounded by water. Hue 2.5Y 4/4 Olive Brown 0 cm 17 cm 7 cm 30 cm

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