Cavity tuning etc Cryogenics Cavity tuning Tuner Input couplers 6 th October 2009 video meeting K.Nakanishi.

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Presentation on theme: "Cavity tuning etc Cryogenics Cavity tuning Tuner Input couplers 6 th October 2009 video meeting K.Nakanishi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cavity tuning etc Cryogenics Cavity tuning Tuner Input couplers 6 th October 2009 video meeting K.Nakanishi

2 Crab Cavity & Coaxial Coupler in Cryo-module Support Rod Jacket Type Main He vessel SUS316L Jacket Type Sub He vessel Coaxial Coupler (Nb) Stub Support Crab Cavity Cell Notch Filter Support Pipe Tuning Rod RF Absorber Extract TM 010, TE 111 Mode Frequency Tuning Input Coupler Bellows KEKB review 2007 K.Hosoyama




6 Main He Vessel Sub He Vessel Input Coupler Stub Support Coaxial Coupler Beam Cooling Water Liq. He In Gas He Cooling He Gas & Cooling Water RF Monitor Gas He Bellows RF Absorber RF Absorber Cooling Water Notch Filter Flow Meter Control Valve Cooling Water KEKB review 2007 K.Hosoyama

7 Ice balls

8 Pretuning Expanded length

9 Pretuning The cavity must be expanded about 5mm. Length of Support lodes should be adjusted. Support lod He vessel

10 Frequency Tuning by Main Tuner by A. Kabe Main Tuner Position (mm) Resonance Frequency Load [kg]

11 Tuner In KEKB, the tuner stroke is set as 5mm (~100kHz). The tuner stroke is limited 10mm(200kHz) by bellows. The tuner speed that is limited by motor is about 1kHz/s

12 Tip of input couplers prototypeHER It looks good.It’s not shiny. LER Some of purple stains were found.

13 Horizontal testing Achieved V kick Applied RF Power HER1.8MV120 kW LER1.93MV55kW QLQL Input powerObservationHER (Jun/2006) HER (Nov/2006) LER (Dec/2006) Prototype (Feb/2006) RF power (1)10kWBand width1.59x10 5 1.66x10 5 1.86x10 5 1.3x10 6 RF power (2)20kWDecay time 1.66x10 5 1.34x10 5 2.07x10 5 Simulation(HFSS v9.2)1.66x10 5 1.0x10 6 Q 0 values at design kick voltage were higher than 1x10 9.

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