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Combined Federal Campaign 2013 National Training Universal Giving (UG) Pilot February 26 - 28, 2013 Atlanta, GA.

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Presentation on theme: "Combined Federal Campaign 2013 National Training Universal Giving (UG) Pilot February 26 - 28, 2013 Atlanta, GA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combined Federal Campaign 2013 National Training Universal Giving (UG) Pilot February 26 - 28, 2013 Atlanta, GA

2  What is the UG Pilot?  Why Do It?  Who’s Doing It?  How Long Is it?  The Results!  The Challenges!  Need Your Help!  Next Steps.  Conclusion: Q&A Overview 2

3  We’re testing the feasibility of permitting donors to give to any CFC approved agency no matter where the donor or the organization is located.  UG Pilot allows donors to donate to any National, International, or Local agency in any CFC world-wide whether that agency’s “home” campaign is participating in the pilot or not. What is the UG Pilot? 3

4 Why Do It? 4  CFC needs to be attractive & appealing option for donors.  More efficient for campaigns & agencies.  Demand – donors want it.  CFC needs to grow/evolve – logical next step!

5 The UG Team  Pilot Campaigns: Selected based upon their donor demographic mix.  Greater Olympic CFC (0921): LFCC Co-Chair, Robert Jennings, UG Team Leader  Chicago Area CFC (0249): CFC Director, Eriabee Chiles  Heart of Alabama CFC (0005): CFC Director, Xavier “Lew” Lewis  Technical Support:  CFC Nexus, Han Kim and John Zietlow  Essential Software Development (CFC Assistant), Kingsley Klosson  IT Director, Community Shares of IL (CFC 0249), Kevin Sandefur  OPM Staff Support: Mary Capule and Curtis Rumbaugh Who’s Doing It? 5

6 How Long Is It? 6  Pilot is two years – 2012/2013  Target is ALL campaigns have the option in 2014

7 The Results! 7

8  Number of donors: 25,640  Number of donors selecting a UG Charity: 941 (3.7%)  Number of UG designations: 1449  Total $ Pledged: $6,952,507  UG $ Pledged: $289,095 (4.2%)  Increase/decrease in online donations from 2011: + $320,607 (+645 donors)  Mobile option for search & donation: Access to UG agencies was completely unrestricted using the UG search engine through any computer or mobile device. The Results! (cont’d) 8

9  Incomplete Charity Data  Inconsistent Data  Duplicate Data  Making a single list out of 185 lists  Integrating the different software products  Marketing to our potential donors The Challenges 9

10  Assist LFCC to conduct a timely and effective application review and approval process to avoid delay due to errors and/or appeals.  Update OPM’s charity registry timely and accurately; use the default charity/federation names from the drop down list versus creating a unique name.  Respond promptly to OPM’s requests for clarification and correction of charitable organization data. Need Your Help! 10

11  Printed charity list will have same content as before (Natl/Intl/Local).  UG organizations available through on-line search engine, but either method (paper or online), may be used to make pledge.  Expect robust marketing and testing in 2013 to tweak and improve the process.  UG will ultimately drive positive change for the future!  One application/one eligibility determination.  Eliminates “Approved in CFC-A and Disapproved in CFC-B.”  Targeting UG availability to all CFCs in 2014. Next Steps 11

12 Q & A Conclusion 12

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