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Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

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1 Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology

2 French side: 25 French labs and 13 Establishments (more than 70 French researchers) - Paris South University, - Paris 7, Maine University, - Reims University, - Paris 13 University, - Aix-Marseille 2 University, - ENS de Cachan, - Lyon 1 University, insa Toulouse, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau - Tours University, Poitiers University, Vietnamese side: - Institute of Material Science (IMS - VAST), - Institute of Physics (IOP - VAST), - Institute of Chemistry (IOC - VAST), - Institute of biotechnology (IBT - VAST) - Laboratory for Micro-Nano Technology (UET), - Laboratory for NanoTechnology (VNUHCMC), - Hanoi University of Science and Technology Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology » Master Degree « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

3 All students are registred at USTH but also in French Universities 2 tracks for M1 and M2 level: - Advanced Materials, devices and Nanotechnology - Advanced Materials and Nanochemistry Master Degree « Materials Science and Nanotechnology » Professors and students in M1& M2 Nano/Materials Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

4 Train very good researchers and engineers in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology Introduce the Nanotechnology in Vietnamese Compagnies Participate to the highest level of International Research in the field Excellence of theoretical courses Large number of practical training (more than 30h at M1 level: the students really use very high technological level tools like Near Field Microscopy, spectroscopy, nanoparticles synthesis..., 3 months of lab work in M1, 1 week totally in clean room environment at M2 level) Internship at the end of the M2 : in an academic lab in the field (all M2 students are in labs in France this year) or in compagnies Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology » Master Degree « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

5 M1 Level Human, Economic and Juridicial Sciences, 45h Microscopy technics, 22h Micro and Nanofabri cation, 22h Spectros copic technics, 22h Synthesis technics of nanomaterials and nanodevices, 22h Nanochemis try, self assembling, synthesis, 22h Silicon Photovoltaic devices, 22h First semester Cristallography/ Solid State Physics and Surfaces, 33h Common coursesMaterials, devices and Nanotechnologies track Materials and Nanochemistry track Nanophysics, 22h Organic and organometallic chemistry of Nanosciences, 22h Advanced Microscopy, 22h Second semester Practical training on nanotopics (microscopy, carbon nanotubes..., 33h Labwork, 3 months Physics of semiconductors, 22h Magnetism and Nanomagnetism, 22h Photonics and Microwaves (1, 22h) Photonics and Microwaves (2, 22h) Organic thin layers/Biomolecular Systems, 22h Polymerisation processes and macromolecular engineering, 22h Organic and inorganic Materials and interfaces, 22h Optical and magnetic properties of molecular coordiantion for therapy applications, 22h Master Degree « Materials Science and Nanotechnology » Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

6 M2 level Human, Economic and Juridicial Sciences, 45h Mesoscopic materials and interfaces, 22h Nanobio technolo gies, 22h Photocataly sis, 22h Technical work in clean rooms (1 week) First Semester Non linear optcs, 22h Nanomagnetism and spintronics, 22h Chemical fonctionalization/ Conducting polymers, 22h Molecular magnetism, 12h Biosensors and DNA biochip, 22h Organic electronic, 22h Physico- chemistry of surfaces, 12h Second Semester Master thesis, 6 months Nanophoto nics, 22h Physics of electronic devices, 22h Quantum optoelectronic and photonic devices, 22h Ultra short phenomena/Nu merical simulation, 22h Mechanical properties, 22h MEMS/NEMS 22h Nanostructur ed polymers, 22h Technics for analysis of supra and macromolecular, 22h Molecular modelisation of organic materials, 22h Nanoelectroch emistry/ Bioelectroche mistry, 22h Microscopy for biological applications, 22h Nanostructured materials based on vegetal polymer, 12h Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

7 Master Degree « Materials Science and Nanotechnology » Practical training of M2 students in April 2012 in the clean room of Laboratory of Nanotechnology (LNT – VNU Hochiminh) Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

8 Students who are you ? -Physicists, Chemists, Electrical Engineering students who like the compromise between theoretical approch and experiments -Students with an inquiring mind and who like to discover the technologies of the future And the future…after the master ? -Engineer in VN or international compagnies -PhD Thesis in Vietnam but also in foreigner labs All courses are in English Master Degree « Materials Science and Nanotechnology » Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »

9 Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology - Director and co-director: Prof. Elisabeth Dufour-Gergam ( Paris South University, IEF) Prof Nguyen Quang Liem (IMS-VAST) Secretary : Pham Tran Huong Thanh Contacts: University of Science and Technology of Hanoi Building 2H, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi Email: Tel: (+84) 4 37 91 77 47 Department « Materials Science and Nanotechnology »


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