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Warm up Write in simple French, what you are trying to accomplish before the age of 30. Use French expressions we learn in this class.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Write in simple French, what you are trying to accomplish before the age of 30. Use French expressions we learn in this class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Write in simple French, what you are trying to accomplish before the age of 30. Use French expressions we learn in this class.

2 The Future: our lives are about today and the future. You have learned to user aller with an infinitive to say that you are going to do something; Now you are going to learn to say that you will do something

3 To form the future tense of most verbs, add the endings- ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont to the infinitive if the infinitive ends in-re, drop the final e before you add the endings. Je parlerai français Nous voyagerons au Mali Tu choisiras un métier Vous sortirez après … II/elle/on vendra Iis/elles prendront…

4 * Verbs that have a spelling change in the present tense have the same change in their future stem. J’achète  j’achèterai elle appelle  j’appellera Some irregular verbs have a special stem to which you add the regular endings. aur- (avoir) Deviendr- (devenir) *** copy the rest in txtb.

5 On page 133, do cd # 5 Tr. 3 ** Check the homework ** Changing gear/ use white boards On page 134, do # 9 *Practice: Handouts about future tense Exit Ticket-

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