Copyright and Moodle Tony Simmonds Information Services June 2012.

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1 Copyright and Moodle Tony Simmonds Information Services June 2012

2 What is protected by copyright?  All original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works – no need for © symbol  Sound recordings, films, broadcasts Web content is still protected!

3 Who owns copyright?  the creator  unless work created by an employee in the course of employment … … by custom, Universities waive ownership of copyright in research outputs in favour of academics  Like other property, ownership can be transferred

4 How long does copyright last? Literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works 70 years after the death of the author Sound recordings, films, broadcasts 50 years from date of first issue (EU plans to extend sound recording to 70 years) Published editions25 years from date of publication Databases (if not covered as artistic works) 15 years PhotographsVaries - in general 70 years after the author’s death

5 What rights does the copyright owner have in law?  to copy the work  to issue copies of it to the public  to rent or lend it to the public  to perform, show or stage the work in public  to communicate the work to the public  to make an adaptation of the work  to transfer ownership (e.g. to a publisher)

6 So, can you actually do anything in Moodle with someone else’s work?  luckily, there are workarounds...

7 What is my basis for permission to copy? (1)  no infringement until “substantial” amount copied  “fair dealing” for criticism or review  “fair dealing” for news reporting (but not photographs)  general waiver (e.g. Crown Copyright / EU)  check copyright statement on websites Source must be acknowledged

8 What is my basis for permission to copy? (2)  Licences  Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)  Educational Recording Agency (ERA+)  Creative Commons  Product licence (e.g. Microsoft ClipArt)  Specific permission Source must be acknowledged

9 CLA Licence  Copy from printed originals  Covers most books and journals  Administered by Information Services  Role of “designated persons”  Restrictions:  Extent  Edition  Excluded works / publishers / territories  Ask your Faculty Librarian for guidance on the rules

10 Creative Commons Images  Xpert  Flickr  Google Images

11 Specific permission  Act in good time  Identify copyright owner(s)  Email them, explaining:  you want to use the work for non-commercial educational purposes  you will provide an acknowledgement  May be a cost  Keep written permission on file  No reply = no permission!

12 Do I really need to copy? … often safer to link to YouTube / ejournal article / web page etc. (How? - ask library staff for advice) CARE: if you display third party material during a lecture, and the lecture is recorded, risk of copyright infringement increases.

13 More advice... Staff guide to copyright on the web at: or via the About IS page on the IS website Contact the University Copyright Officer by email:

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