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JCM OSCE CMC. Q1 A 3 year-old boy complained of vomiting and looked ‘blue’ after taken vegetable soup prepared by his parents. RR 28/min. SaO2 90% RA.

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Presentation on theme: "JCM OSCE CMC. Q1 A 3 year-old boy complained of vomiting and looked ‘blue’ after taken vegetable soup prepared by his parents. RR 28/min. SaO2 90% RA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Q1 A 3 year-old boy complained of vomiting and looked ‘blue’ after taken vegetable soup prepared by his parents. RR 28/min. SaO2 90% RA. Clinical photos were taken. A) What is the clinical finding? B) What is the most likely diagnosis? C) What investigations will you perform? D) What is the antidote and its dosage? E) Is G6PD deficiency an absolute contra-indication to the antidote? F) What is the color change of urine after treatment? G) What precautions will you give to his parents?

3 Q1. Pre-treatment 1

4 Q1. Pre-treatment 2

5 Q2 A 16-year-old boy complained of nausea, vomiting, throat and chest pain for few days. X-ray neck and chest were performed. A) What are the X-rays findings? B) What specific physical signs will you look for? C) Give 4 causes of this condition. The patient was transferred to ICU for further management and other investigations were performed. D) What is the arterial blood gas result? E) What is contrast CT neck, thorax and abdomen finding? F) What is the most likely diagnosis?

6 Q2 CXR

7 Q2 X-ray Neck

8 Q2. Arterial blood gas pH 7.118 pCO2 14 mmHg pO2 138 mmHg HCO3 4.4 mmol/L Base Excess -22.5 mmol/L O2 Saturation 99%

9 Q2 CT neck, thorax, abdomen


11 Q 3 A 60 year-old lady presented with abdominal pain and shock. A) What is the CT abdomen finding? B) What are the significant laboratory results? C) What is the ECG finding? D) Name 4 causes of the pathology in (A). E) What is the management plan?

12 Q 3 CT abdomen 1

13 Q 3 CT abdomen 2

14 Q 3 Complete Blood Picture

15 Q 13 Liver and renal function test

16 Q3 ECG

17 Q4 A 66 year-old-lady, with history of DM and HT, complained of fever, headache and diarrhea for 3 days. BP 90/41, P 126/min, Temp 38C. A) What are the significant laboratory findings? B) She had recently travelled to Indonesia. Give one specific investigation you will ask for. C) What is the most likely pathogen? D) Give 3 differential diagnosis. E) What is the treatment for this pathogen?

18 Q4 Arterial Blood gas

19 Q4 Complete Blood Picture

20 Q4 liver and renal function test

21 Q 5 A 79-year-old lady complained of headache and diplopia for 1 week. Physical examination showed right third nerve palsy. A CT brain was performed. A) What is the CT brain finding? B) What are the causes of third nerve palsy? C) MRI was done to delinerate the pathology. What is the MRI brain finding?

22 Q5. CT brain with contrast

23 Q5 MRI Plain T2

24 Q5 MRI with contrast

25 Q6 A 67 year-old lady with history of DM, HT, hyperlipidemia, complained of drowsiness for 1 day. Her medications included valsartan, betaloc, meformin, diamicron, gemfibrozil. Her vital signs were BP 118/51, P 23/min, SaO2 99%, Temp 35.8C, GCS 13/15. ECG was performed. A) What is the ECG finding? B) What is the most likely diagnosis? C) How does the ECG finding associated with the severity of her condition? D) Which of her medication can be the culprit? E) What is the AED management?

26 Q5 ECG

27 Thank you!

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